Alliance war SEASON rewards are unbalanced and need a serious revamp

As someone who has an account in a top war alliance and someone who also has an alt account in a mid tier alliance I can say the discrepancies between the rewards available are high, however I only realized recently how ridiculously high the difference between rewards in the different war brackets are.

This is the season reward for an alliance coming 1st in the Specialist bracket (10-15m):

And this is the rewards for coming in the top 100% for the Expert bracket (15m+)

You may notice that coming last place in the 15m+ bracket has rewards that are as good as or better than grinding your way to first place in 10-15m. I am not entirely sure why this is the case but rewarding more Silver and Gold crates to mid tier alliances doesn’t help them grow and if you aren’t in the 15m+ bracket your chances of getting Serial are even lower. Please consider revamping the rewards to appropriately reward how hard it is to get into the top scores on a leader board every season. The Expert bracket should be the baseline for the best rewards and the lower brackets should be based on that.

Feedback on what you guys think should help balance the season rewards out more will help everyone get better rewards and want to work harder for those top rewards! At the moment it is hard to justify staying below 15m when you can do nothing but lose all season in Expert and still come out better off than a hardcore Specialist war alliance.


Feedback on what you guys think should help balance the season rewards out more will help everyone get better rewards and want to work harder for those top rewards!

No, it won’t. Remember: we use data to make those kinds of decisions. Encouraging people to pile on won’t sway any decisions we may or may not make in the future.

Feedback noted. I’ll pass it on for review, as always.


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