Bounty event soon!

HH, Respected owners of generosity I would like to put forward the idea that it trades regarding prizes BOUNTY EVENT As you know BOUNTY EVENT three days with continuous grinding in order to get prizes may be insufficient for the effort made during these three days Ask your Highness to give us what it might be like a stimulated syringe! To people wishing the hunting never ends Makes alliances more competitive for the first rank The general interest include everyone and thank you


Support. :+1: :+1: :+1:


Dear God, this is a fantastic suggestion!

ADX is right on the money - I think 3 days of hardcore, non-stop grinding deserves some hero frags as rewards for milestones in addition to the existing rewards. I love the ones that were picked in the screenshot as well!


more than 100 hearts and that the developers make the change at the request of the clients, in addition this change is already very necessary,

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Eww prophet and brogan frags, Get those away from me

Hmmm…Galante frags yosai?

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Why only valuable prizes in war even though BOUNTY EVENT is older than the rounds of war! It must be equal the same as war prizes and better

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Do you understand that bounty and war are different???

I really like the idea of adding hero fragments to the bounty event rewards. And the winning rank portrait prize. Good ideas OP

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They are generous and we deserve

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Great idea. Maybe they will implement. I love all frags. Free heroium yum.


I like this. Considering they these “secondary” heroes aren’t easy to get, having them be a war reward would not be such a bad idea.

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Would be nice to see bounty rewards buffed. But I dont see then putting any frags for the 4* or 7* heros as. Reward. I feel a 25% boost on each milestone and a boost/rework on final placement rewards is needed. To finish top 50 in bounty takes a strong team effort and top 25 takes a crazy amount of effort, not to mention top 5 for the reward difference once your above top 100 finish.

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And bounty could give more quick win tickets as rewards…

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Also gone down on the energy bounties seriously I pull 10 I get 9 energy 1 non energy. Also maybe instead of damage show how many tokens a player has earned or show both. Another recommendation would be that we have an individual leaderboard that is global. There doesn’t have to be rewards but it would be nice. I’d like to see how I stack up to other players.

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I’ve been suggesting a move up on bounty rewards also…adding a minimum of 400k and 500k milestones, as well as a t10 tier rewards also. And for frags, I’d recommend a frag system based on alliance rank, in the alliance, rank 1 to 25. Players scoring more get more frags than those who slack.

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Tomorrow is Friday, and everyone knows what this means? … the time of the :heart:hunting​:heart: … We hope to find in bounty events something that makes his smile make you with a chronic headache
And the smile does not go away from your cheeks ?
Only after three days


That’s a terrible idea. Bounty is already consuming enough at 300k, we don’t need 400 and 500k tiers.

As for the OPs suggestion, I think the rewards are a little too generous. Almost 250 frags for bounty, on top of the other rewards, on top of the frags all being the rarest heroes in the game (minus Artemis)? Giving Kurtz and Hideo frags works in AW because you have to at least place top 3 each bracket to get them, and top on the leaderboards once a month to get more.

I don’t disagree Bounties are in serious need of an overhaul. Better rewards and shorter duration or less hearth/milestone limits would be great. Move all the platinum equipment to lower milestones, remove the bronze/silver stuff, and give us some MK frags at the top few milestones.

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