Broken Heroes

It goes both ways though. Replace Panzer on an Ifrit/Flatline team with pretty much any DPS besides Dog and see how it fairs. That team no longer has the instant killing power and other DPS can actually do some damage to the healer/support meta. Panzer by herself, even without the revive team, is still very strong. So is Dog, though not as bad. Neither of the nerfs I proposed would even be that horrible considering the spread on Panzer’s shotgun would be reduced. It would nerf her initial burst by a decent amount, but overall damage might go up slightly.

Also, I never said anything about nerfing Nightingale, and I said Heimlock MAY need a slight nerf Honestly I am not entirely convinced abot Heimlock though. I said leave Flatline alone and buff Gammond and Matador. That really only left Ifrit and Caine getting any sort of nerfs. That seems like a fair trade off, buff 2 healers and slightly nerf a healer and support who are currently really strong?

with Dog and Pzner being nerfed slightly, healers coming out about the same, and a bunch of DPS being buffed it should finally give us the perfect balance. No more insta kill matches, but no more heal/revive fests either. Matches that last 1-1:30 and have heroes dying, but not before actually getting off skills. If all we do is buff DPS it’s going to go right back to how things were before the warefare patch and everything is going to be dead within 20 seconds of a match starting.

I agree with Kraterkosten, we need heroes buffed, not nerfed. Some heroes have a high potential, but they’re held back by a few problems that could be fixed. With some buffs, some heroes could be close to or at Panzer and Dogface’s level, and not just mech heroes.

Remove the proc chances on his silver and gold skills. Increase headshot bonus damage on his gold skill significantly. Doing this will allow Bolt to do consistent damage, and even be capable of strong burst damage or DoT that could bypass heals/revives.

Already a strong energy dps hero, she needs a slight damage and health buff, and a lower cooldown on her bronze. She does excellent single target damage to bio heroes, but it’s just too slow to compare with Panzer and Dogface.

Personally, Panzer and Phoenix seem to share similar roles for mech and bio heroes respectively, but the biggest difference is damage. Phoenix’s basic attack damage is pitiful, and is heavily effected by enemy armor. I believe she needs an offensive mod buff to increase her basic damage, though her skills may need to be tweaked slightly in order to compensate.

These are just a few heroes that could receive a damage buff in order to be more competitive in pvp, and as viable counters or replacements for Panzer/Dogface

Look, I get it, no one likes to see heroes they use nerfed. But, let me ask you this. What do you think is going to happen to the game if Panzer and Dog are left as is and we get a bunch of other DPS heroes that get a 20-30% damage increase?

Where did you get that 20-30% damage increase from?

I’m not really talking about a big dps bonus, I’d rather see more utilities being used, there are plenty hero’s right now that add 0 damage and value to the squad, if they get better stuns, etc, we can mess around with the revive wall, that’s what I tried to say.

If we can stun Caine and flatline it would be more manageable, and I’d like to see hero’s like cross and cast joining the rank, or any other hero you name them.

@Deathleech, sorry I didn’t try to attack you, just that I really want to see buffs instead of nerfs


Bolded parts. Several were straight damage increases, a number of others were huge increases to ability damage. Some were just generic damage increases without actual percents. Seemed overall it was around 20-30 per hero mentioned.

I see no plain 20-30% damage increase there. None of the above a decent damage dealsers at the moment. The only “damge dealers” on the list are Kuniochi and Sapphyr and both are squishy as hell, far more than Panzer or Dogface.
But i agree, that a more creativ way of getting more damage into the game would be the better solution. All damage dealers are DPS heroes today. Heroes doing damage with their skills would be great. Or better damage over time skills. A skill like Mavens Vampiric Cloud cold be active for 30 seconds so you run into t every once in a while and get some damge.

Several that I bolded on the list said “improve his/her damage by 20%”. I assume that means a flat 20% damage increase to base attack and skills since he specified which for other heroes.

This is what you said.
Did you may mean that, by increasing the damage of other heroes by 20-30%, we get more heroes like Panzer and Dogface?

That’s exactly what I meant. Granted a number of the heroes he posted are so bad right now even a 30% damage increase wouldn’t matter, but some like Kunoichi, Clyde, and Pris could potentially put them right up there with Dog and Panzer.

So I’m back after getting Oro to plat and testing him in pvp for the last 3 days in my thoughts have changed about how he needs to be improved. bild As you can see he does have an okay damage output over a whole game but it’s mainly his silver skill that’s saves him. Oro is no longer the “Devastating berserker” his description describe him as. His basic attack does only around 28k damage and is a single shot with quite long reload time. This kind of worked before the boost in hp and the healing meta but the fact is that he can’t really do enough damage quickly enough right now.

Oro’s bronze skill is on the lower side of okay. It’s like Mavens and is easy to avoid after the initial stun. As mention before it’s his silver skill that’s saves him and it packs quite a punch but it’s not nearly enough by itself in today’s pvp.

His gold skill is mostly useless right now because the damage and attack speed boost he get below 50% hp isn’t substantial enough to even notice, and if have a team that make sure he isn’t killed in an instance he’s never below 25% hp for more than a second or two. The aoe damage and unlimited ammo is quite nice but you can never get in more than a few shots before going over 25%.

I don’t have much to say about Oro’s plat 33k hp boost for all allied heroes is nice but doesn’t really do much.

What Oro needs to live up to his description is a huge damage increase. I would also like to see his gold skill change and increase the limit when the second phase of the ability kicks in from 25% hp to maybe 35% so you actually get to use it.

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I kinda think Platinum skills like that are lazy and should be re-worked. Put those extra health points to him as default and give him the Platinum ability to EXPLODE like a NUCLEAR PLANT upon death with 50% chance to kill a front line enemy and pollute the battlefield with unavoidable radiation damage / second (also affecting your side of the battlefield) for the rest of the match.

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Maybe he can have that skill when he gets his legendary Barsebäck skin.

Ya they way many platinum skills are handled is strange. Mandrake’s gold should be his plat. Plats should be a drastic switch from a normal play that boost the hero substantially, not a extra Blah of stat boost. Halo is a good idea of how it should be. You have to work to plat people, but so many plat skills just aren’t worth it.

Too late to rework though, that would be a major game change that would not go over well with the community.

I agree. I understand the silver and bronze skills need to be things you activate, but why are gold and platinum so lackluster in some cases, or seemingly switched where gold is far better than plat? For top tier skills that take so much work to get to, you would think they are the best of the best.

I think the reason why most plat and some gold skills are so lackluster is because when most of the heroes where released plat wasn’t a thing we could reach and when I stated playing we didn’t even have gold skills. Back when these skills were developed the game was totally different and so was pvp meta. A consequence of the skills not being in play is that the developers never really got a chance to collect feedback on them and change them to fit with today’s meta.