Teamname: The Furious Five
Teamcomposition: Beck,Sapphyre,Cinder,Maven,Phalanx
You know them as females and graceful damses but they beat like blacksmiths! They are the furious five and are ready to screw your shield!
Team Name: Catch me if you can!
Team Composition: Mandrake, Mandrake, Mandrake, Mandrake, Mandrake,
Team Description: Where am I?
Team Name – Lifting Stars
Team composition – Jarek, Jarek, Bucket, Surge, Surge
Team description – Heavy lifters in game. try to hide yourself if possible!!
No hiding, only fighting …
Pris, Butter, Briar, Heimlock, Phalanx
Second team
Brogan, Francoise, Butter, moss, phalanx
Team Name: Countdown
Team Composition: Caine,Francois,Castellan,Cinder,Dogface
Description: It’s the final countdown! Waste no second and take this team out before they do the opposite to you!
Name: Rebelpath
Team Name: drunken shivs aa meeting at the castle
Team Composition: shivs, francoise, shivs, francoise, castellan
Team Description: Just when you thought it was safe to go out. Prison made knives and pruno in a castle of strengh
The Medieval Hunters
Castellan(lord), Phalanx(centurion), Bolt, Artemis, Cross
A team comprised of the greatest warriors, equipped with the strongest armor, aided by powerful archers…they have traveled from the past to join hero hunters in 2020. Fear the poison arrow.
Team – PoseidonDX
Team Name – It’s Really Not Safe To Stand Around, There’s All Sorts of Stuff On The Floor!!
Team composition – Floor effects galore: Scum, Oro, Ghoul, Maven and Chesterfield
Team description – Stand around at your peril! Can you wipe out these 5 heroes before you get caught in their deadly floor effects? Make it fast, and you better not linger!!
Team- Yayemaster
Team Name- Robocop
Team Composition- Chesterfield, Galante, Clyde, Another Clyde, and Anvil
Team Description- When the bad guys are in town, these robots are here to stop you!
Team – RocketSawce
Team Name – Critical Healing
Team composition – Moss, Caine, Elite Rifleman, Sentry, Briar (All with upgraded skins)
Team description – A balanced team where each hero has a minimum critical chance of 15% and will heal upon each critical hit, just quit now
Name: Razielo
Team Name: Razzle Dazzle Fun Time Pt. II
Team Composition: Alvarez (Witnessed) + Keel + Heim (Extra Health) + Drake (Timberland) + Kuno
Team Description: What do you get when you have two Rangers, a Shoremen, a Morlock, and an elite member of the KLG Black Ops all in one room? A RAZZLE DAZZLE FUN TIME! This team specializes in incapacitating your lovely band of heroes, setting up Kuno for the kill! She just loves to take lives…all to gain the favor of the love of her life, Kurtz. It’s too bad he will never return her affection…but that doesn’t stop her from trying!
Name: II Silver II
Team name: Kurtz’s Krazy Party
Team Composition: Mandrake(Timberlake), Castallion(Lord), Ronion, Kurtz, Shivs
Team Description: Kurtz is krashing into your party! Your nightmare in pvp, all packed into one bundle! Everyone is hungry for blood…and you’re next… Will you prevail, or will you get taken out by Kurtz…
Five Flowers
Siren, Oracle Shivs(vice), Sapphyr(Ultralight), Caraibna(blood wraith)
These girls are mwore then just sweet and thier ready to show you.
Name: T H 4 S H E R
Team Name: shotgun destruction
Team Composition: Sivs(Vice), Kell(Oxide), Butter(Night Op), Mandrak(Timberland) Heimlock(Extra Health) and Gorgon
Team Description: A team with a majority equipped with shotguns, but lethal, beware of their leader, she may surprise you !!
Name : Dirty Diapers
Team Name: Pass the Gas
Team Composition: Scum, Lancer, Maven, Ghoul, Purifier
Team Description: Something smells funny.
Munnin would the gordon with mandrak be invisible?
Team Name: Powerplay Blitz
Team Composition: Panzer, Panzer, Kaishi, Kaishi, and Phalanx
Team Description: Blitz the opponent utilizing "Power Play, " “Breach and Clear,” “Assault Breacher,” “Initiate” and a 36 rounds of Panzer Shotgun. Can you survive the 20-second onslaught?
Name: Elite Legends 2
Team Name: The Egyptian God Cards
Team Composition: Kurtz, Prophet (Phantasm skin), Brogan, Artemis, Kobold,
Description: All four 7-stars hero join forces to dominate with a little help.
Team Composition: Halo, hivemind, siren, savage, mauler
TeamDescription: they say “lightning dont strike the same place twice”, well think again.
Team Composition: Keel, Francoise, caine, heimlock, Nightingale(medic skin)
TeamDescription: get your health insurance, its not an option.