Community Clash 2 is Coming! Enter Now!

Name: LordRidik
Team Name: Deathmatch champs
Team Composition: Hideo, Halo, Siren, Kurtz, Caine
Team Description: You like good music, lights and special effects? This is your team!!

Name: LHR1979
Team Name: Duro na queda
Team Composition: Rycker (recruit), Françoise (atómica), Heimlock (extra Health), Phalanx (centurion) e Caine (cabal).
Description: Heróis equilibrados e fatais

Name: Number2Headband
Team Name: Way of the Sword
Team Comp: Ronin, Odachi, Kunoichi, Shivs, Hideo
Team Description: Usually at each other’s necks, the sharpest tools in the box have teamed up to test your mettle against their metal. Think quick, cause they’re right on top of you! >=)


NAME : gleisonarievilo
TEAM NAME : assassins code
TEAM COMPOSITION : Ronin, kuinoichi, butter, heimlock, castellan
this team is attractive in the total taste of the composition, in fact, ronin matches in any team that plays in the logical manual hehehehehehe it seems automatically that he loses his aim more and a certain killer kuinoichi has very strong knives attacks castellan with his deadly butter towers and heimlock are excellent in perfect combination cures and shields …

**Team Composition: Dog face, Alvarez, Mandrake, Panzer, Keel
**Team Description : A grizzled veteran, An expert with the human mind, A gristly survivor, Assault breacher and Unrivalled craftsmen & masterful scavenger are ready for the show

Team Name: 2+3
Team Composition: Pris, Razorback, Vanguard, Duran, Oracle
Team Description: Deadly beauty! Killing joke! Iron Curtains! Atomic Health! Wrath of Godess! All pop culture trands of XX century in one team!

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Hey guys!

We had to add Gammond to the ban list. If you have him in your entry, consider editing it!



Team Name: Angel Has Fallen
Team Composition: Mavin, Ronin, Hivemind, Kunoichi X2
Team description: Anyone that messes with my team will regret it that’s because you will be defenseless there for making my team restless. Don’t think for a second you will beat my team because I can outplay you and DESTROY your Dream.

I really hope this event will turn out to be great!

Name: lets smoke weed
Team name: ruthless aggression
Team comp: Kurtz, hideo, mandrake, shank, kurtz
Team description: all stun!!! (Team name should be stun gun) lol

Team Name:The Multipliers
Team Composition:Xianjiu, Halloway, Hivemind, Halloway, Xianjiu
Team Description:The more they multiply the deadlier they get!

Name : TrialZee
Team name: The Aegis
Composition: Castellan, Butter, Phalanx, Kobold, Caine…
Description: multiple shields, let see whether offense or defense who wins…

Holly Shields
Phalanx Kobold Butter Min Castellan
You may keep shooting, but we have never ending shields… A good attack comes from a good defend.

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Finish Them, Kunoichi !!
Hideo Jarek Steele Clyde Kunoichi
A complimentary for Kunoichi, she’s the main actor, a true finisher, dont you ever get stun in front of her otherwise she will wipe you out.

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Lightning Bombardment
Mauler Savage Siren Surge Halo
A lightning strike bombardment attacks all enemies on the ground, where the desctructive force comes from all the allied skills. The lightning stikes will keep dancing on enemies base camp, directly launch from the sky and give massive damage.

I don’t think you can submit multiple teams

Name: NurseBen
Team name: Electric Angels of Death
Team composition: Siren, Min, Halo, Oro, Fortress
Team Description: Are you POSITIVE you know WATT you are doing? We wouldn’t want to CHARGE you!

Do we that player we are submitting in this event in the game id like i want to submit kurtz but i dont have kurtz in the game? Plz quick reply

Name: LoaderMaximum
Team name: Shielder Surfers
Team composition: Butter butter Kobold kobold Phalanx
Team description: Who will you attack first? because its shields all the way!

PO! Hey brother, we miss you.