Deca games, please add factional gods elemental gods and positional leaders on the next update please…
factional gods:
- Kar’un - god of the KLG lawgivers
2. Moira - goodness of the KLG black ops
3. Myrna - goodness of the KLG irregulars
4. Daniella - goodness of the magistrates faction
5. Forger - god of the mercenary faction
6. Borus - god of the Morlocks faction
7. Leonid - goodness of the Patriots faction
8. Lorraine - goodness of the people’s guard faction
9. Lexie - goddess of the rangers faction
10. Maey - goddess of the shoremen faction
11. Barrage - god of the terraventa faction
12. Thea - goodness of the watch faction
13. Leilani - goodness of the UAF faction
14. Kara - goodness of the UAF airborne faction
Elemental gods:
Roxie - goodness of mech element
Torro - god of energy element
Lumok - god of biochem element
Murdock - god of astral element
Lady Doris - goodness of the void element
Positional leaders:
Terry - leader of the Frontline heroes
Johann - leader of the midline heroes
Marcia - leader of the rearline heroes
The leader crate: contains 14 factional gods, 5 elemental gods, and 3 positional leaders.
4% chance having a 1 factional god
1.91% chance having a 1 elemental god
0.22% chance having a 1 positional leader
So that’s it… Bye…