Commander, the “Battlefield Tactician,” joins the Hunt! His powerful Marking and buffing Skills and the ability to summon KLG fire teams onto the battlefield make him a threat to any opposing team, especially when he’s surrounded by fellow KLG troops.
Primary Weapon - The Overseer
Marked for Death
Bronze Skill - Active Ability
Declare death to target enemy, dealing Elemental Damage and Marking them for 8 seconds. All allied attacks against the Marked target deal 20% more Damage. All allies receive a 15% Fire Rate bonus while the target is Marked. Only one target can be Marked by this Skill at a time.
Air Drop
Silver Skill - Active Ability
Calls in KLG backup, bringing in Heavy Infantry and Assault Reinforcements. Reinforcements have their own skills and tactics and will engage automatically.
Gold Skill - Passive Ability
All allies deal extra Damage. KLG Heroes and Reinforcements from Air Drop receive an additional Damage buff.
Med Drop
Platinum Skill - Passive Ability
Air Drop Reinforcements now bring medical supplies, replenishing allied Hero Health and granting Health per Second for 12 seconds.
Ruby Ability - Passive Ability
This Hero gains an Armor bonus and a 30% increased chance to dodge.
How can I get Commander?!
Commander will be available through Crates and Co-op Raids!
What do you think of Commander? Let us know in the comments!
What am I missing… From the sound of it people are familiar with this character. I’m not. Lol. He looks like a one of the soldiers that are I’m campaign mode that we blow up. Is he one of them?
He’s one of the PvE campaign enemies you face early on. Most other KLG enemies such as the Technician and Grenadier were made into playable heroes (Striker and Lancer), which is why people wanted him to be added. Lots of folks, including myself, really like the KLG generic guys.