How come they don’t tell who the monthly gauntlet hero and pvp heros are anymore
They tell us about the monthly gauntlet and PvP heroes in Monthly Events Calendar . Before they used to be announced in Hero Update Post with adjustment of Heroes but a couple of times the information of Gauntlet/PVP Hero provided was not right and after that now you can find this information in Monthly Events Calendar.
Yes I totally u derstand that it just seems to be missing for the past 2 months or so. I would like to know before hand cause I like to save up my coins. If anyone sees this info can you link it to here. Thanks…
It hasn’t been missing for the past 2 months. Here’s March (as seen in the events calendar):
And here’s April (in the events calendar):
It’s included in the Events calendar now, since it changes monthly. Make sure to read through the “News and Announcements” section, it usually contains the information you’re looking for!
Yup you damn right, always been there
@Skathi thank you very much I couldn’t find it keep up the good work.
@Skathi actully I’m wrong those didn’t help. I’m looking for may 2020 since the hero is released tomorrow.
If you look at when those came out, you’ll see that we update those calendars before the end of the month. There’s one day left in April. Please be patient. I’m certain the world will not burn down if you don’t know who the monthly login Hero is before May 1st.