Looking for Volunteers

Howdy Hunters!

As you all know the Halloween Scavenger Hunt is just around the corner and we want do things a little bit differently with this one. :jack_o_lantern: Especially, when it comes to the Scavenger Doc.

Yes, that’s right. This is your time to take the stage and show your amazing document editing skills to the whole community. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you think that you have what it takes to take on this responsibility, drop us a line in the comments. :point_down:

P.S. For bribes, please use personal messages. Thank you!


I’m pretty sure we used to arrange this between mods?
Anyway, i’m up to the task, i’ve done it before a couple times and have some decent editing skills for Google Docs


I’m willing to always help with the doc. I’m very trustworthy in assisting with it.

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I would offer but I might have to sit this one out for now, got a few things to take care of until then, besides there should be plenty of great people to volunteer! I hope I can do this next time:)

Well we don’t mind to take part in some words play so I also volunteer.

I’ve helped before and would be more than happy to assist again


Up for faze. Good guy


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