New Hero Contest - October Update


Bronze-Reflective stun, reflect damage and stagger opponents when damaged for 6 seconds.
Silver-Charge up, increase all teammate shields by 8,000 initially, then 3,200 per second for 10 seconds.
Gold-passive-Silencer, 5% chance to reflect incoming damage back onto opponent and silence for 6 seconds. All teammates gain 5% chance evade incoming damage.
Platinum-passive-Counter Shield, whenever this hero reflects damage onto a opponent, all heroes gain 4,200 shield for 6 seconds.

good luck hope everyone posted for facebook!

Bronze deployable Barrier
Silver Heal boost (like Francquise)
Gold increased barrier hp and one random Allie gets barrier
Increased heal / Armour boost

Thought id think out of box and think most would agree lol and would be somethi g new to game deplyable barriers etc

I am just thinking what we can use in current game meta and make the game more enjoyable. She seems a support character to me. Last thing we need in HH is another hell bound healer.

Letā€™s call her: Haywire for now.

Bronze: stimpack
Remove all debuff from 1. If no debuff, small heal.

Silver: haywire protocol
Mark 1 opposing hero. Then all marked opposing hero(es) have all their buffs (or incoming buffs in 5 sec) duration halved. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if it double the debuff instead. Small DOT with skill increase.

Gold: shield repair protocol
Going with the global theme on gold ability here. All ally heroesā€™ active shield increase ###pt and have their duration increase by 10%.

Plat: feedback loop.
All heroes damaging haywire will become disoriented for 3 sec. this can only be activated every 10 sec per hero. This is considered an active skill (for Halo). Probably a small passive shield scalable with her gold skill.

Thatā€™s the my 2 cents

Bronze - Stun
Silver - Power up weapon damage
Gold - Drone attack
Platinum - Health and armor bonus

Name: Propaganda
bronze: Fakenews - covers the battlefield in monitors showing fake news disorienting and stunning opponent
Silver: CreateBuzz - charges up random allies profile increasing attack speed.
Gold: Headline: Release audio drones to boost all allies damage
Plat: No place to hide: destroys opponentā€™s cover and repairs your own

Name : Rainbow Kitten
And he is,
not sheā€¦ thereā€™s nothing wrong with a guy with charming long straight healthy hair, right?
looked like a biochem heroā€¦ is his gun glaring blue or light green color?

His bronze skill will be disorienting ā€¦ the enemy will confuse and asking among them self, squinting their eyes, thus theyā€™ll doing nothing, hesitate to attack for several secondsā€¦

Silver skill : Mad thought --> he is throwing 1 canister of glugs to the enemy team and then the enemy will shoot each team mate for 1-2 secondsā€¦ you know, because theyā€™re fighting each other to get that 1 can of drinkā€¦

Gold: Cats rain --> he will be summoning hordes of cats, scratching and biting enemy teamā€¦ meanwhile this hero just watching a cat video from his wristwatches (in 3D holo, of course)ā€¦

Platinum: Lets Party --> All alliance will get 1 canister of glug each, the dead will be revived somehow, all cleansed, bald heroes will grow hairā€¦ and all alive alliances will be increased in health, armor and so onā€¦ (but only for random time, not the entire mission, because we donā€™t want this hero to be overpowered and then getting continuous nerf down, do we? )



He can very well be a he. :slight_smile:
But I bet my mom heā€™s not bio chem.

Bronze - takes control of drone(s) on the board
silver - drunkenly rages
gold - couch stand
plat - resets the game when they are about to lose

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I would really love seeing any hero with the above mentioned skills!
Sounds EPIC!

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Bronze - Stun
Silver - Power up weapon damage
Gold - Drone attack
Platinum - Health and armor bonus

Gold is a aoe attack

Hmm from what I am gathering despite my gut saying energy hero, I wonder if she is the 7ā˜† mech character that was teased earlier this month.

Possibly an aggressive hacker type hero, I feel like her abilities below are.

Bronze: disrupt - hacks into enemies hardware and overcharges their system to deal set damage, if the enemy has a shield; deal bonus (set damage or double)

Silver: tactical retreat - deploys an immobilized decoy (# of hp) of the allied hero with the lowest remaining health. The allied hero remains invisible until the decoy is destroyed

Gold: shield reallocation - anytime an ennemi hero loses a shield bonus, this hero gains a shield equal to (%) of the shield that was depleted

platinum: disruption rounds - this heroā€™s weapon has enhanced ammunition to deal (Ɨ) extra damage to enemies who have a shield

Iā€™m a little perplexed in which order the gold and platinum abilities would best be suited. Regardless these are the 4 abilities I am guessing

Name maybe kat, using hacking to stun enemies in some kind of way. I dont know the rest but @Muninn and @Howitzer this would sure be a nice birthday present as I just celebrated mine on the 22nd! :grin: of course Brogan would be too!
Nothing like a little wishful thinking! Lol

Bronze forces target to attack teammate and does additional dmg x skill level
Silver targets with the most uncharged skill and recharges their skills up to x seconds. can be activated partially. recharged amount equal to time skill was not used up to max x seconds
Gold bronzeā€™s express delivery. a random teammate receives a drink that gives them faster skill recharge.
Plat when express delivery is activated, teammate receives + X armor

Itā€™s 25th almost 1800 here in uk any update to the contest and or next months calendar?

Itā€™s 19.00 here in Sweden. :slight_smile: In far Asia it should be the 26th already. Kind of.

In US where the developers are itā€™s about lunch time. They need full bellies to present the winners!

lol 1:30 mins more for 26th sept

Heeiiiā€¦ Chill guysā€¦ The developer never said in what year they will reveal the new heroes :joy:

Anyway, what date is it in Vancouver right now?

From Facebook:

Hunters! Min will be joining the Hunt in our October Update coming soon!! Congratulations to our Contest Winners!

Danny Duarte | Trevor Fox | Rollyhead | GIR | Sing | Lurking_Garbage | Sogui

Edit: Since the message said to ā€œget in touchā€ I just wanted to confirm that my account is [LOK1] FORCEFULCJS