Over powered Ronin

I’ve deleted my posts. I’ll pass out cheese later, ciao.

Nerf Galante


Godlante can never be nerfed. He is Godlante.


Did I hear someone say BUFF Galante? :rofl:


Yes you did. You certainly most definitely absolutely did.

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I just was looking at Kunoichi’s gold skill, Honorless

when it hit me; What if Honor bound was the opposite of Honorless, meaning Ronin gains damage for each ally that is rooted, lifted, or stunned for the duration of said debuff?
It Would mean no more overpowered Ronin Sandbaging, but ronin still remains protecter of the weak and defender of the defenseless.

the silver skill is to OP bro

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Interesting but it would making an OP skill completely garbage. Not a way to balance.

I’ve been reading this post for a long time. I’ve wavered from “nerf bomb that Ronin!” to “leave him the heck alone!” so many times I lost count. I wanted him nerfed because I couldn’t beat him, especially when he’s 10* and 5 bars with a supporting cast of 6* plat healers and shielders. And I didn’t want him nerfed because I was determined to find a way. Well, I found a way. Granted, my Super Ronin beating team also has Ronin in it, but my 9* 3bar Ronin’s supporting cast are no less than 8* plats, all same level as Ronin, all skills no less than 80. Oh, and it wasn’t my 9* 3bar Ronin that beat his 10* 5bar Ronin, that is just preposterous. It was a different character. So, Ronin is beatable, just like he is, leave him alone.

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Dude you have no healer What else do you expect, you need someone to heal your team

You’re missing the point dude

No I do I get the topic. But if you just throw 5 min Heros together with no real support you’re going to lose

No you don’t.

I know how to build a meta team, Thank you for guiding me :joy::joy:. Im not pointing my lost here.
I don’t have the time to sit here and explain what we explained 1000 times in this forum to you.

Just stop spamming, this thread is dead already

I wouldn’t consider this thread to be dead. There’s a ton of people still complaining about Ronin and I don’t want the squeaky wheel to get oil it doesn’t need. Just like when Bounty missions were adjusted to a shorter length because the few out-squeaked the many. Ronin does exactly what he’s supposed to do and I’m finding all the other characters do also.

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Every second match, same damager…ronin…why? To good compared with different damagers. Not talking about his attack buff. It’s his hp buff for the other heroes…
Luckily i know how to beat him…result: just playing this two teams or ronin team myself…playing different teams, no fun at all! There might be so many great combinations…but then, second match…ronin enemy…

Makes me sad :frowning:

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Nerfing ronin will not fix the bigger issue of sandbagging. People out there will just find a different hero to sandbag with.
Matchmaking needs to punish sandbagging teams harder not the other way around. Here is something I tried and good example for devs to look at

He is the one who should have been punished with higher matchup and not me.

That’s not sandbagging. That’s just a horrible match up.

Whether it be Ronin, or Dogface or whatever dps they use, it’s sandbagging or min maxing.
The fact is, it is not a fair match.

A 10 star, 5 bar Ronin with low supports with only 7 or 8 stars getting matched against teams that only have an 8* as their max hero on their team have no chance against that maxed out Ronin.
Instant defeat.

Ronin’s plat is what makes him OP.
If his plat isn’t going to be fixed, then match making needs to be looked into again.

I see every plat bar as a star in pvp.
So when I see a 10 star, 5 bar plat Ronin, I’m really facing a 15 star Ronin in pvp.

If you penalise their 10 star, 5 bar plat Ronin for example…for each star/bar above their support of say 8 stars, penalise them 3-5k for each bar/star.
So then that 10 star, 5 bar plat Ronin team will get a penalty of 20k - 30k if their supports were at 8 stars or so.
Then watch them frantically start levelling up their supports so they don’t get penalised so much with lots of time and $$$.

Dev’s, something to really think about and make a change asap.
Many are getting extremely frustrated and many I know are quitting this game from this.
I love this game. So do many others.
I would hate to see this game die because alot of the game’s community is being ignored.


Thank You. But most important is Matchmaking, it’s getting worse and worse, it penalise you instead of sandbaggers. It’s frustrating and unacceptable.

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Ronin is my lady dog

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