Maybe, just maybe they can Re-Adjust the power bonus given per-skill base on how useful it is or for its popularity.
Like Nightingale for example:
1st Skill: +50 power per level
2nd Skill: +2 power per Level
3rd Skill: +3 power per level
(of-course these values are just examples. No need to be triggered. But are they? hmmm)
But this is just ONE of the possible fixes I can think of.
NOTE: this is not a complain but an idea. Because some people just don’t understand the difference.EXAMPLE OF COMPLAIN: Why do I always get matched with strong people!!?.
As far as I know, skill levels don’t count for matchmaking anymore. If your lv 70 nightingale has 70-1-21 weights as much as my 70-70-70 for matchmaking.
Not sure what this change would accomplish, to be honest. Care to elaborate?
Me vs The Enemy I beaten (I searched his profile) - I used my low level account, useful for scouting info
I don’t know the right words on how to explain this.…
But deep down you just know something not right.
Total power level is close, Looks legit at first glance.
I drew red-lines to indicate who their match up against. (so we can have a basic idea)
I brought along a HARDSCOPE with level 1 skills. (Even if my hardscope has level 1 skills, he will still not drop dead easy since he’s silver and 4 star)
Though my HARDSCOPE has only level 1 skills, I compensated with High level of heals.
I kept my other characters skills toned down a bit for my team power to not go that high.
Meanwhile at Gold 6 stars, If you use a perfectly balanced team.
You’ll most of the time see a 1~2 plats, or a Plat Dogface massacre you since plat dogface gives the whole team an overall buff youre dead if you failed to kill him fast.
Commonly Seen in my 6 Star Gold runs:
6~7 Star Plat DogFace
9 Star Gold Nightingale
5~6 Star Plat Halo/Caine