The halo nerf went too far

And I don’t mean some useless a little gold. I mean compensation as rank ups to the platinum skill which was nerfed.


You got to love free users stating useless opinions. Spend few hundreds $$$ on 1 hero and then talk!!!

Do you even know who I am?

Just calm down a bit. Take a break from the game.

Let’s add an hero by accident that can kill the whole team in 1 second.

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You have to be logical and leave away all exceptions. Ofcourse Im talking about a hero which was nerfed after long period time just because game company is not happy money related.

90% of the player base wasn’t happy with this…

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Where did you come up with that number?
In the end, it’s not about happiness, it’s about game balance, plenty of other metas have been smashed before by HUGE nerfs. Razorback, Oro, Nightingale, Gammond, etc.

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They can do what ever they want. They can put a party hat on every hero and let them join a dance party, they can terminate all heroes exept for Surge…

With downloading the game you only get a license to use the software they provide. You dont own anything ingame, so they only have to refund you, if you dont get the gold you bought for cash.

Just a feeling, probably not 90% but even the guys in my alliance I know who used her a lot aren’t even complaining, they just said ok to bad.

I understand frustration if an Hero you love gets weaker, but the cinder, Baron, keel and Caine combo broke pvp

Halo nerf was fine and a good tune of her ability. I only want Baron and Cinder to feel useful for those who invested and so they are at least decent. They were tier 1 with halo and went to like tier 3 instantly. Thats the only crime on this nerf imo. Baron needs better health/armor, Cinder probably needs a better way to kill cover.

What kind of stupid logic is that? Free players cant have an opinion? If you think you are superior to other players just because you spend money, you have issues, man

And if you dislikes nerfs so much, you can just leave this game, because buffs and nerfs are a thing in ANY online game

You only need to see that everyone says Baron, Cinder, etc are useless because Halo got nerfed, to notice she WAS strong as hell. The moment one hero can make “useless” (I personally disagree with that tag) heroes one of the stronger teams in the game, its unbalanced. Everyone knew the nerf was coming. If you spent materials on her to abuse the unbalanced hero and reaped rewards thanks to it, now you have to accept those materials you spent are not going to be as rewarding.

And please, its a small nerf compared to what they did to others, like Savage. Dont over dramatize it. As someone posted, she can still do great job, still doing massive damage AND heals.

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Going to close out this topic as I think everyone has had their say.
Thanks for all the input on Halo! We have been reading along :slight_smile:

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