Does anyone know how to point out an issue they don’t know how to fix on forums without the post getting pulled? It’s not a technical issue that a support ticket would fix, more like an issue in PVP where teams with loads of rubies seem to get a free ride against lower powered teams, whether the ruby team is sandbagging or not.
took screenshots to demonstrate but they get marked as spam and deleted.
These shots are not spam, they’re genuine and keep getting pulled. Why hide an obvious issue…?
If you have an issue in game, best thing to do is contact support. Nobody here can fix it for you. And fixes don’t just happen over night. You have to be patient.
Yeah, this has been ongoing for quite some time. And tickets are for tech issues, which this definitely is not. It very much seems to be in the favor of the high end cash paying teams
I’m not sure a lot went into co op pvp lol definitely is not a highlight of this game and absolutely should be how do I add me player tag to my name lol I’m Baddfiish
Unfortunately, 2v2 introduces a lot of variables which can result in more unbalanced matches.
I’ve usually been pretty quiet on 2v2 stuff, since a “fix” like this is not a hard science (matches are based on who is most available). However, it does seem like these mismatches are occurring often.
A reasonable dev response at some juncture would be appreciated, but as in the case of the Beck nerf, most of the time there is no formal response. In a sea of neat features and fun gamemodes, that’s always been an irritating bump.
What GIR said. I can almost garuantee this will be taken down. This has been a topic dozens of times and even for a reader who agrees like me it gets annoying to see
We left this up for a day to give you a chance to get it out of your system.
Now you can follow mod instructions and read the rules before you post again, because you clearly didn’t when you made this post. If your topic is deleted for any reason, re-creating it or questioning it in a new post is one of the rules you failed to follow. Make sure to give them a good read!