Bounty Event Issue

I remember 4 days ago that you will give a small token of appriciation for our petience. Where is it?. I’m not sure if you even want to improve or think about our emotion anymore. Again Stygia is in crate for more money spending but you are not addressing the actual problems at all. Bounty hero should have been MK2. Switching over could not be so tough.


20 unavailable bounties, best bounty so far

You should compensate us with stygia or its crate token … Btw please do something fast …we support you don’t worry

No new hero to fill the void. Duh!!!

This game is finished.


DECA messed it up: they admitted it and we accepted it. However, I don’t understand why someone like you always belittles others’ complain and pretends to be a super gentleman. Nothing wrong with those complaining, as long as they are not abusive. The fact is DECA does not match up with players’ expectations by a loooooooong way.


I never thought that anyone can mess up this game that we love for soooo loooong.

I have to say that I am disappointed with what DECA has been producing; I know about teething issues, but this is way off.

Hopefully in the future thing will get better (although I’m not holding my breath)


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@TeamGB Are you paying attention? I already said that isn’t it enough that it’s frustrating for everyone that is affected, like me, without misleading statements, like yours? Why did you do that? Are you paying attention?

You even said Deca messed it up, they admitted it and we accepted it. You said that correctly- amazing- but Again I ask you, are you really paying attention?

Because right after Deca acknowledged this as a mistake and offered a solution for a player, someone incorrectly pointed out that Deca’s first mistake was to have bounty on the weekdays as opposed to the weekend which I pointed out the reasons why, so it’s not belittling, it’s fact that Deca already acknowledged such things during the week quicker than 3 days from a weekend of mishaps and responded just as many times as the days that would have passed with hhg at the helm come that following Monday.

The fact that this player is misguided about his reasoning does not exonerate him from asking instead of stating something false to maybe impressionable youngsters, who may not know the difference, in that he says it like he knows it to be true more so than hearsay over experience he likely shows is not there to know. You tell me why someone would state a false narrative. You’re confusing correction with intentional belittling at me, which to me makes me question do you know the difference? Case Closed.

If you paid attention, then the next posted reply was an attack on Deca in that they messed up the coding, which has nothing to do with testing the coding in the update for an oversight issue that they didn’t recognize when they gave us the list of the events that were coming. Are you paying attention?

Did you miss the list of events Deca provided to us that were on schedule without the release of the update? Yes or No? Are you paying attention because bounty was the 3rd event and the others worked. You also do understand that there is a difference between the real pseudo codes they use and an event ( 3rd in line mind you, not the first event ) oversight. If you didn’t know before, well at least you know now, that these are 2 different things we’re talking about. One relates to the coding of the update and the other is with the release of the events. That’s what makes the comment misleading not to mention incorrect to refer to the update’s corrupted baseline, like one even exists and that it wasn’t even released to us therefore it was not a factor. It is also an unjustly false attack on Deca -

Do you not see all that? It’s in bold print above with a picture. Case closed.

The comments I was referring to were misleading and incorrect. They’re not hiding, there’s no argument. This isn’t subjective, it’s fact. Case closed.

I’m not going to entertain a back n forth with anyone who is not even following along enough to pay attention over something not even guided to you anyway. Because if you were paying attention, you’d clearly understand that these were those points I was referring to were right above my comments not anywhere else. Go look for yourself, as you seem to come off like you did already, which I have to ask you to ask yourself did you? Sounds belittling doesn’t it?

Anything else you’re trying to group together, assert, and assume to make relevant to my points to everyone here is rather boorish. That’s what happens when you assume I’m belittling someone else when you really don’t understand the reference right there or even bothered to ask for an explanation or even pay attention to what was said and why. As far as belitting another player instead of helping them, thanks for grouping me with players that do. Do us both a favor don’t bother to try to entertain my comments directed to others back to yourself for baseless reasons you have like you have with this nor continue this baseless dialogue any further.

DECA is the greatest game developer of all times
They managed to solve the lagging server issue with bounty this time
Hope they keep up with the great work

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The DECA development team is also so hard at work in the background, even with the weekday bounty issues, they don’t get distracted by the noise here

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DECA also looks after employee work-life balance, bulls eye hardly log on in-game in the last 3 days to try out bounty summons issues. Even though it’s weekday, such level of work flexibility shows how great DECA is.

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Yeah sometimes with the hero hunters crew they would compensate you for reporting the issue but before that there was an issue no one reported it and things were taken away. Everyone knows the problem And don’t want to accept it with saying that I’ll be back in three months to see how deca is actually doing. Later Deca Patation! Flawless Victory!

Well… I know I’m going to be marked again because I’m very persecuted to tell the truth and many don’t accept it, but I come again to say if you don’t have the ability to break the code it was the simplest and easiest thing to do… .KEEPING what was already working…good or bad but it was working…I created once again a topic here asking for opinions on what they would like to be added to the game and that’s it…simple as that…now many here live in the world of illusions and who do not like to see the truth.


“If it seems simple or obvious, it’s not.”



Bring back the speciality token crate with the new update… Its gone…

The fact that 7 people likes and agrees with @TeamGB and nobody responded positively to anything @Yourstruly wrote tells you all about who won this case in the eyes of the public.

Who the heck is flagging @TeamGB post? There is absolutely nothing that he said that is offensive.


Reporting the issue is now fixed, just need the time, inaction was the way to go. Topic closed. Thank you DECA.


has the bounty ended where the compensation for the giant and childish mistake of DECA that harmed the efforts of several players and alliances?

I thought i smelled constructive criticism. But it turns out it is just the stank of complaining

Here I am only requesting our bounty compensation as soon as deca promised right after the bounty ends. do you remember?

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