I deleted it and reinstalled it but i got back To the same account
Can they Make it so that you Can Search heroes by their element
And Make Trading a thing i have too much of a certain gear and too much quik win tickets
And add more bio chem heroes there are only 10 of them while the other elements have 14 (Maybe add a tank hero with a assault rifle the other have only a Shotgun)
I reinstalled it after i completley resetted the phone. Maybe that’s why it didnt work for you.
Problably why it doesn’t works
My 2nd account just disappeared.
Yours still there?
Yes. Only thing that doesnt work properley is the gauntlet
Whats wrong with gauntlet according to you?
I answered DSD if my second account still was working. So no propbs with the gauntlet in general, but doesent start on my second account
Campaign, gauntlet and pvp just asked for downloads before being able to play them. But there was no update through the app store.
Were minor changes put into place or?
I noticed in the daily calender, that almost all the gold is replaced by quick wins! Now i am not the only one I guess who has over more then 7000 quick wins! So what is my adventage over here?? Getting even more quick wins instead of gold, what I can really use!!
2 posts were split to a new topic: What’s going on on that Game!?
Thnx for ruining the game complete, Im quitting and many Will follow in the Next few days and weeks…
Mode Edit:
Please keep it civil
A post was split to a new topic: Getting desync issues
It’s a plan to get a Chat possibility with other Players “Private Chat” ?
We are currently working on this feature.
I have ideas for hero hunters
So first Make a co op campaign feature it and Make it that it gives you a increased amount of gear(not too much) this wil give people a reason To play campaign again without using quik win tickets(Maybe Make it so you have To complete it yourself first 3stars)
Second Make a co op pvp or alliance pvp
With co op pvp Will it be the same as co op raids where each player Will have 3 players so it Will be a 6 v 6
And with alliance pvp i thougt make it so you Can play with 5 people from the alliance against other players with a 5v5 where every player Can use there hero as effectively as possible and Maybe this Can be a good idea for campaign as well Either this or the other idea( dont know if phones Can handle it)
And lastly a trading option and personal friends(thoug this i think Will be added later)
The trading option Will be a great way To get ridd of excessive amount of gear wich other players in you’re alliance need and i would be great if you could sell it ( not To other players but in the black Market for a low amount of money)
That was all hope you guys at hothead think about these ideas and take it into consideration.
Update: i forgot To mention survival mode you guys had it in the campaign but i want it To be as long as you Can survive dont even Need a reward for it just as a fun mode where star rating and hero level stars the same but gear changes this or something else
Semeone else Saïd this but a way To fight against alliance members or a specifik player dont even Need a reward here as well
Oh Yeah and Make campaign robot heroes playable i saw the pyromaniac in the first screenshot but we never got To play as him
Same with Some other heroes
And nightingale changed so much she and lawson Can be there own character by now Maybe Make a character with nightingale OG kit (aka lawson) but as her own character or a new character with her old abilities
Oh and Make it that nightingale heal Will heal herself as Well but without the heal overtime effect
hey Rygel i m from india help me plz
plz send me the link to update my game becoz this game is not abailable in my country
Hi, Hothead Games my idea for the game is a hero that uses ice at his command. His name would be Chill and his abilities would include arctic snow. This ability would slow down their hero by 25% and damage enemies in a covered area where it is fired. His silver ability would be Ice blast where it would destroy the cover and freeze the enemy for 4 seconds not allowing him to act for the time being, but the skill does more damage if the enemy’s cover is destroyed. The third skill is Ice Rounds which would allow him to chill enemies for a specific time while dealing slightly more damage. Then his final skill is the blizzard and this allows his team to go invisible for the 5 seconds and deal more damage until they fire while under the effect. His armor would be an Eskimo outfit with a skull mask and his back would have an ice shard coming out of him because he comes from the Arctic so he is ready for the weather. Then his gun would be a 3 round burst assault rifle when he gets the third upgrade snowflakes will fall off looking like he has snow off of it. So his main role would be a midline mech dps with support from his team. If you like this idea it would be great to know because I would love to hear your feedback and if able would like to see more heroes from fan suggestions because I have many more ideas that I would love to share.
@ArgentFire, one of his shhouts could be : the great white north XD