For the sake of Laziness

(1)Need an option to summon 5 or 10 or 15 or 20 bounties at Just 1 click.

(2)There must be 1 day break after bounties to start war.

(Bonus):Spending 90k bucks to summon level 45-55 bounties isn’t something kool… May be there must be fixed rule for summoning, like make a bracket based on power of the player & they’ll only or mostly get bounties according to their bracket while summoning bounties.


So you saying with just 1 click for a price we can summon some bounties. They pop up for me normal just by quick winning missions.

  1. I don’t think it’s a “must”. Seems like a solid schedule of events planned ahead of time.
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That’s not a bad idea if we can get a discount to summon 5 or 10 at once. However, if they are to implement this, I would like the game to show who summon it so that they can get dibs on it.


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