Most Wanted Crate

Hey Hunters

I’ve been playing the game since almost the very start and have enjoyed every bit of it. Bounties have always been fun and a great way to get good heroes.

Lately however I’ve noticed that the bounty drop rates from playing campaign, PvP and other modes has decreased dramatically and we’re being pushed to discover bounties using in game and real currency. The reward tiers have been reconfigured and overall it makes it very hard to reach top tier, which is understandable.

However if you do manage to get to tier 2 and earn the Most Wanted Tokens after a lot of grinding for 3 days; especially for people like me for whom resets are after midnight; most of the pulls are disappointing things like 60 frags for some old hero you already have at 10*s. So I’d like to get your opinion on what the right prize pool would be for MW crates.

3-Star Heros
  • MW crates should not include 3* heroes
  • MW crates should include 3* heroes but with low chances of drop
  • MW crates are fine as they are and I’m crazy

0 voters

Hero and Specialty Crate tokens
  • Crate should not contain those tokens at all
  • Crate should contain both tokens at a drop rates half of current
  • Current drop rates are right

0 voters

OP Heroes
  • Kurtz
  • Verill
  • Fiber
  • Serial
  • Magnus

0 voters

Astral and Void Heroes
  • Yes, all heroes of those factions
  • None of the heroes
  • Select op heroes from both factions

0 voters

Now I know we will get some contradicting opinions so please let’s keep this civil. I just want to know what the community thinks.
Do vote and let me know. Who knows we might even manage to grab the Dev’s attention​:person_shrugging::grin:. @Deca_Willow @DECA


they really should start doing these things like even if it is a low chance getting them.


Ure right bro
Good work

1 Like


Will share these with the team once all the voting ends. The more people vote, the better.


What about my polls with ideas? :))))


Also, on a related note, the Guilded Crate should include Astral and Void heroes.


I haven’t seen a recent poll from you, sorry Ben. Might have missed it for some reason.


I made a post about the time before the update dropped, I think it was based on stuff for the higher up players and stuff, I go check for name of it

Edit; Tis called “polls, what does the game still need?” Has like 30 voters too, quite happy it got this much attention


I believe we have all the votes this’ll get at the moment. Thank you for sharing it with the team.


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