I use him all the time, he’s by far the strongest sniper, and the only hero that can delete heroes of the opposite element with ease. If the round goes “late game” he’s the only hero that can easily kill 2-3 other heroes, even if they are opposite element. Also, he has too much health and/or armor. He’s way harder to kill with a green than sentry or artemis or cross or prophet et cet. is by their elemental opposites. And he does way too much damage relatively. Now I’m not suggesting a huge nerf, don’t go overboard, but his basic attacks need to do about 10% less damage, his health should be reduced slightly and his special attacks need about a 10-15% reduction as well. Would make him balanced instead of dominant, which he is right now.
With the Halo team nerf, it’s now really hard to play blues, as Dogface is just too strong, And to the people who are going to post (I know you’re out there) please don’t say that Maven or Odachi kills him easily, anyone who is good at PVP deletes either of them instantly, and they are way squishier than Dogface so please let’s not have a stupid argument about how he’s actually easy to kill…
Paired with Mandrake and Caine he’s very very difficult to kill, and if you have blues on your team you’re in trouble. You think your blue will kill the enemy Mandrake? No, Dogface will kill your blue first for sure. And your AI heroes are almost never targeting him, whereas your frontline blue is targeted by opposing Dog plus an AI hero or two. Even in the Halo meta he could still win, in fact Dogface or Savage was the direct counter to Halo teams (almost all of my losses using Halo teams were at the hands of a powered up Dogface). 9 out of 10 top players I face now are using Dogface in their primary team, that alone tells you he’s OP. I also use him in my A team now that Halo is over - he deletes Gammond, Phalanx, Sentry, Heckler, basically every blue with ease. Get to his special abilities and you basically automatically win the round…
When Halo teams were meta, allowing Dogface to be OP made some sense as he was a direct counter. Now he’s simply too strong…
And as a reminder, I’m not whining here, I can beat Dogface, and I also use Dogface, I’m just an advocate for game balance. I’m happiest when any team that I build smartly and has good synergies can win if played correctly. That makes a game like this lots of fun. When you’re forced to build against one hero above all others it means balance is a bit off and the diversity of viable teams that you can build is reduced…