Time to discuss Dogface

Their version of nerf will kill him tho…

Dude c’mon… Dogface isn’t broken. He’s easy to take down quickly, if you know what you’re doing. He doesn’t need to be nerfed. Players want to always cry nerf because their normal strategy doesn’t work every time. Every battle is different and requires a different strategy. If he’s paired with Caine and and Drake, make Caine priority 1 then take out dog using a bio dps. Let AI worry about drake. You can still kill the invisible, but not in autoplay. Find a counter and move on. Quit searching for reasons to change each player. There’s plenty of counters out there to handle dog. Find some… That what makes this game fun.


Another call for nerf … every hero and team setup has a counter. DF may be Tan my but his slow reload and skill build up only makes him a late game changer. If you fail to take out his team mates by them. Than I would put the blame on how one plays than a hero being Op


He’s living in borrowed time…:thinking::thinking::thinking:

I have no problems facing Dogface in PvP, I normally kill him as the 2nd or 3rd victim as his skills are slow to charge up and is not dangerous until then, so not even worth focusing on in the beginning. I never use him myself, even though I have him 10 star platinum, as I have more powerful heroes the important first 30 sec of any PvP game. I like to use Dogface for longer missions like Co-op raids and Hard missions so I would not like to see him nerf’d. I see no reason why he needs a nerf, and he is equally available to all players in the game if you prefer to use him in PvP. My gut feeling is to rather buff heroes which are under-performing rather than unnecessary nerfing good heroes to balance the game (exception was Halo which I believe lightning unintentionally was triggered by basic skills from some heroes).

blame the one who made this thread is he’s nerfed. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

This post was a waste of time there is nothing wrong with dogface lol He has his weaknesses as stated above

I think the “problem” with Dogface is him being good and very accessible already from the beginning of the game which means he’s often the top ranked guy in every team. If he wasn’t so easy to farm and build he’d be much less of a “problem”.

The biggest problem with dogface is, that ost people go straight for him. Every team has a weak piont. The key is to find this weak point. Its not always the strongest hero, mostly ts a support who saves the day.

As an example. I play Dogface, Nightingale and Gammond Platinum and Razorback, Mandrake Gold.
Many people go straight for Dogface, because they think he will be the biggest threat. And sure he is. After 30 seconds he will destroy you in no time. But if you go straight for him Nightingale will save him for sure After 6 seconds he gets a 66k heal, negating most of the damage you´ve done so far. Afterwards Razors shield kicks in, pulling away damage from him, same happens with Mandrakes gold. So its really hard to get him down.
BUT if you go for Nightingale first, the whole team falls apart. She may seems the weakest, but with her quick and big heals, shes the key of keeping the damage dealers alive. If shes down first I really struggle bigtime.

Same was with the Baron/Halo combination. I won about 50% of the matches against this combination, because after Baron was down, the team often fall apart. Many went straight for Halo, but she wasn´t the real threat. It was Barons Platinum and you could kill him pretty fast because of his gold skill. I often struggeled more against a Platinum Halo with a balanced team and i still do.

What I want to express with this is, that often it´s not the heroes that need a nerf, it´s the players that need a buff.


applauds No better way to put it.

@WalleWu don’t give them tips to kill my Nightingale, I hate you :joy::heart:


Sorry :grimacing:

But from what I experienced so far in this forum, it will be forgotten by 90% within a few hours :wink:


What are we supposed to forget again? Can’t remember.

Yeah it must be my skill that’s an issue, I only win about 40 games for every loss, so I must need to improve to be as good as you guys…thanks for the advice guys lol

So I take it back dogface doesn’t need a nerf I need to improve to 100% win rate instead…based on the advice of players who probably never cracked top 100…

So if you don´t have any problem killing Dogface and have a 97.5% win rate in PvP, what exactly is the point of this thread?
Do you want him to be nerfed to get a 100% win rate? Or do you want him to be nerfed because you win to many matches?


Seems like the consensus is:

  • to win against Dogface you need to know what you’re doing
  • to win using Dogface you just need to blast away

This is imbalance. But I can’t see how a Dogface nerf is necessarily the best solution, seems more like people need to learn to know what they’re doing - which I’m sure more and more people will learn eventually. Me myself I have no idea what I’m doing, I’m still confusing which color to use against which color etc. but someone on the VIP chat teached me a secret trick:
It’s alphabetical: B takes out G, G takes out O, O takes out B… So basically I keep repeating “B>G>O>, B>G>O>, B>G>O>” in my head while the PVP match loads.

Well, I also believe he could use a slight HP nerf and I have never had trouble with Dogface. An opinion on hero balance doesn’t necessarily mean that I will be benefited from it. Shit, Dogface is one of my three plat heroes. If they nerf him, I would only get hurt.

So the point of this thread doesn’t necessarily need to be improving OP win rate. It just can be about how one of the heroes with the highest damage potential is situated on the backlines, but has more HP than other snipers and a bunch of midlaners.

I made this post because I do believe for most people Dogface is either their crutch because he’s OP or the bane of people who don’t use him. I win by building teams that can deal with him, so I made this post because if he was balanced I wouldn’t have to build every team to survive him…

I’m all about diversity and having multiple teams be viable. A slight nerf to Dogface would enable more blues to be played is all. You will see me on this board calling for a nerf of ANY champ I feel is not balanced. You will not see me on here whining that I can’t beat something - just giving my opinion on heroes that might need tweaking to be balanced. If you recall I was the first person calling for Halo nerf…yet I used Halo teams to win many many games, so yeah I called for a nerf to my own primary team…

Again all I want to see is balance…

I still don´t see your problem with useing energy heroes. Like I posted before i use two in my first team and never had any problem against Dogface. I sometimes lose, but mostly win against him. Now we have the Oracle event, so I used an energy Hero form start to beginning and i don´t have any problem with Dogface either.

Sure he is a strong hero, but not unbalanced. I don´t see why you need a team against him. He only gets taff, if he combines his skills. But that takes time and you can counter him beforehand. As you statet, you are in top 100 from time to time. How many Dogfaces do you see up there? From my experience not that much. He is used, but not excessively often.

If your argumentation is, that he´s to good against energy heroes, you should call for a nerf of Chesterfield, too. If he combines his skills, he kills them with two shots.

PS: If you have such a high winning rate, your team can´t only be against Dogface, because it would suck against other teams, not relying on Dogface.

Dude… so you’re saying you go 40-1 consistently in PvP? Why are you even bringing up the notion to nerf Dog then?? C’mon man, if you’re truly that good, then quit looking for something to complain about. The Devs aren’t here to tweak the game so you can go 100%. I don’t believe you’re as good as you claim you are. If you were, you’d be able to handle dog. There’s enough complain and whining in this game already. Why clog the forums with this nonsense.? But cool story man…