I’ve got a few here, and even though not all of these guys are my A team, and one of them I don’t even have, I still love these guys
Crazy dps on this guy, and it’s so much fun to watch enemies panic and run around while on fire from your Molotov, then one of them just happens to step on your improvised bomb. Also, his plat is easy to get to, and solves his glass jaw problem.
I only got him about a week ago, but I’ve been working to get to him for over a month. This guy is severely underrated, as his holos are so useful, serving as extra targets for enemies, insane dps for abberation, and his good skill essentially serves as a shield as long as he has a double active. He’s about half the power of my Prophet, but his dps is just as high, if not higher.
I’m so pissed I don’t have this guy yet. He is the best healer in the game once you get him to plat. His transfusion will instantly heal your entire team back to full health, and his silver allows weaker characters to focus on dps rather than surviving. His good permanently lowers the armor of enemies, and his plat serves as a quick health restoring quite a bit of health EVERY TIME an ally scores a critical hit, and this is made better by the fact that the skill also gives everyone an increased critical hit chance.(This would go well with Caine’s plat too)
Probably didn’t see this one coming, but here she is. This one is interesting, with her survivability and heal block. Siphon and corruption deal quite a bit of damage, and helps to keep her alive will depriving your enemies of the same. However, she doesn’t get really good until you get her gold, where’s she is constantly regaining health, and therefore becomes so annoying to take down due to you having to outpace the speed of her healing. Her plat works as well to to keep her alive.
The dps on this guy is ok, but that’s not why he exists. This guy is here to disrupt the enemy team, and for large amounts of time, considering he can root someone for 20 seconds, or lift them in the air for everyone to be amazed at as the they go after them more aggressively than a day kid after chocolate. Seriously, lifting an opponent seems to be more effective at focusing fire than marking one. His gold helps with his dps a bit, and his plat is there just to help out a random ally. This guy is a support character, through and through.
Only three people have this guy so far, but I want him bad. His skills are all about being a pain to your enemies, but the one I really want to highlight is his sliver, counter measures. A skill that blocks 90% of a single there’s separate times and then silences the opponent that attacked. This is extremely useful against high damage skills, such as fortresses recharge, Prophet’s phantom shot, and Gammond’s kill shot(pre-update). I’m very interested in making this guy a part of my team.