New Gamemode Suggestion: Extra Game


Good day devs.

I have something to suggest, an Extra Game Mode (EG Mode).
Somewhat like a new tab on the homescreen because this would be filled with some various extra games. I hope you wont get some eyesore on my post. heheheh.

So the question, whats exactly in this gamemode?

This game is where you can say farming, having fun, or simply learn the tricks of heroes. And also, 1 or 2 heroes only used to play, its either a given-type hero, specific hero, or any hero, depends on the game.

These are the 3 suggested extra game thats in my mind.

1. Mini Hunting

Details: Same as the scavenger hunt, yes you read it right, but the thing is, only one specific hero is used (Depends on the devs). For instance, the game is focused to Nightingale.
Gameplay: First, Think of the 3 stages of the missions (e.g. 1-1,1-2,1-3). Now combine the 3 stages into 1. Second, the transition of different stages is same as on bounty hunting. Third, same as scanveger hunt, you need to shoot hidden objects (e.g. gold bar, crate tokens, or mini-crates). The hidden objects are randomly placed on that map and you can find like 10-20 objects in one go. Forth, every stage, you are given a time limit so could proceed to the next stage. And thats how the game plays. Btw, there will be no enemies, only you alone are running in the map with a goal of finding the the hidden objects.

2. Illusion Survival

Details: Sounds like a survival mode and yes, it is a suvival mode. Only 1 hero is used and this kind of hero is a hero where its can shoot multiple enemies (e.g. Hideo, Savage, Panzer, etc.). Now the enemy is only a silver-graded Halloway, but not only 1 Halloway, not even two but 3 Halloways. Once the original Halloway will be dead, it will then replaced a new Halloway, only if his all clones also are completely destroyed. The goal is to survive the battle for as long as you can. Every survival time reached has a given reward, so survive with all the best you can. Btw, there is also Keel behind supporting you but she cannot do healing, only repairing barriers. This game would be great if Halloway will be given a Clone Double Skin.

3. Protect Me!

Details: This is a combination of “Illusion Survival” and “Mini Hunting” but only you have an ally. This ally will be Ronin and you need to protect him, while looking for an hidden orb to contact the HQ to bomb the enemies which interrupts the signal connectivity. You need to shoot 4 hidden orbs. which is located randomly. The Goal is to bomb the area as early as possible. Which means early time finished, many rewards you will get. But if you or your ally dies, then no reward you will get.

In this game, I suggest that all heroes will be open to all even if its not unlocked yet. For instance in Illusion Survival, if you don’t have Halloway yet, you are given a chance here to use him.

This game mode will help players who dont have the heroes has a chance to play them and observe if they are worth it for them or not.

Thats all guys. Many extra games will come. Just a short (i guess its a long) post of whats on my mind.

This thread for a suggestion of somewhat named as Mini games. Any one can also suggest. Just put the next number to continue the series of Extra Game. :slight_smile:

Thank you for reading. :slight_smile:
Hope you like it.

Edit 1:
On Illusion Survival - This game would be great if Halloway will be given a Clone Double Skin.

Edit 2:
In this game, I suggest that all heroes will be open to all even if its not unlocked yet. For instance in Illusion Survival, if you don’t have Halloway yet, you are given a chance here to use him. This game mode will help players who dont have the heroes has a chance to play them and observe if they are worth it for them or not.

Edit 3:
Im adding visual diagrams to support the details above. :slight_smile:

Edit 4:
This thread for a suggestion of somewhat named as Mini games. Any one can also suggest. Just put the next number to continue the series of Extra Game. :slight_smile:

Edit 5:
This are the currently my suggested Extra Game.

  1. Mini Hunting

  2. Illusion Survival

  3. Protect Me!

  4. Ghost Buster
    New Gamemode Suggestion: Extra Game 2

  5. Quiz B
    New Gamemode Suggestion: Extra Game 2

  6. Hacker’s Game
    New Gamemode Suggestion: Extra Game

  7. Face Yourselves
    New Gamemode Suggestion: Extra Game


I like the idea of new game modes. I think those ideas are a little too specific, but I like where you’re going with them. An ongoing scavenger hunt, seamless story survival mode, and objective based mission free play all sounds great to me.

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These game mode are just like for pass time, if tired of playing pvp, or raids, then this is the best place to reduce boredom since it will challenge you, different tactics to finish the game. Different from razordome, mins simulator, and a little twist of scavenger hunt.,

btw @RoZin, What do you mean by that?

I mean I don’t necessarily like the idea of the specific heroes you chose… Ronin for protection, Keel barrier etc. I like the overall idea though.

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I mean to create that idea in order to use their ability. for instance. Keel’s known for being an engineer so by with that, its simply used on that gameplay. same as for ronins counter skill, since he cant protect with that skill, there must someone to help him. Thats all. This could also help highlights the heroes uses or their best abilities. :slight_smile:

For the continuation of the game ideas.

this is the 4th and 5th idea on link.

since it was locked due to redundant topic so my bad on doing so.

I will put my ideas here with a number to identify the number of ideas given anyone can add too, just put numbers to continue the series. :slight_smile:

You have put a lot of thought into this mate. Well done. I often thought it would just be cool if they opened up all the campaign missions to be done in a coop mode - like a coop campaign.

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Thanks mate, Im just bored of doing nothing so it thought maybe i will try to create ideas about new modes. I still have more here though. Hehehe, and i say this is the best, for me. I will post it here later on. Just stay tuned. hahahaha Thanks again

Extra Game Series.

No. 6: Hacker’s Game

Min: "Hi there, Hunter. Did you know that I just hacked your phone? giggles. I’m gonna challenge you with my modified PVP. I want you to destroy all my teams that i just made. But let me put some twist here. I made them all applied with my Smokebomb.exe (Gold skill). Now show me how good you are. hihihi Prove to me you that you are great. "

Min: “Btw, since I hacked your phone, I will give you something good. You can choose duplicated hero as many as you can as long as you can form a 5 hero team. HAHAHA. :slight_smile: So choose wisely. Better defeat my team, Ok, I mean my teams. hihihi, (giggles), Many teams you defeat, I will give you greater reward. :slight_smile: Good luck hunter.”

Extra Game Series.

No. 7: Face yourselves

Have you ever wondered what will be the war look like if there were only one kind of hero? Well, wonder no more. This time, you have a team of 5, facing another team of 5. There will be a random pick of heroes to which what heroes you all will be using. For instance, if the random pick chooses Hideo, then all the heroes will be hideos. Thus, 10 Hideos will be on the battlefield. But there is also an exception. All support heroes (Healers and Shielders) will be banned from this game since it will make the battle go longer. Existing PVP maps can be used since only the hero pick were changed.

Imagine, if the chosen hero is Hideo, how awesome it will be when all of them jumps and jumps and jumps. Hahahaha… How much more when the hero is Halloway… hahahha

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