These are personal opinions from my point of view, so they are free to be discussed as long as it is done in a proper manner. I do not want this to be a HHG bashing thread or similar.
Just a few words to my account. I am a VIP 1 at about 750k with all heroes platinum and have been playing since the global release about a year ago. While not beeing in end game, I consider my account good enough to get a taste of what the end game players experience and therefore can give my opinion towards it.
That should be enough of an introduction, so lets start with the issues I have with the game.
1.) Bucket:
Just to make it clear. I do understand that HHG needs to make money and that new heroes are a common way to get players to spend it. But how it is done with Bucket is just to much.
It costs 30 Euro to obtain Bucket. If he is worth that, has to be judged by everyone on his own. I do not need to have a new hero within a week or two for free, even if some heroes would be a cash exclusiv it would be okay, if they are not mandatory to comprehensibly. succeed in any game mode.
While we propably can agree that Bucket is a medicore hero and therefore you do not have much of a value by owning him in PvP, missions or raids, he is mandatory to play bounty. It is not about the damage he deals, but that you need him to kill some bountys. Since you can not kill them, it leads to a pile up of Bucket bountys and therefore you can not spawn new bountys until they escape.
While in many top alliances players are willing to pay the 30 Euro, most of the casual players are not. If he would be obtainable for gold through chests, as the new heroes were before. Or if the coop raid is released late, so you need to use two or three resets to get him in time, it would be comprehensibly. Many casual players propably buy the 5 Euro crate and get some daily gold or buy a big stack of gold every few month to spend it as they need it, on a new hero for example. But casual players will not invest 30 Euros of cash into just one hero.
Conclusion: The way Buckets release is handeled will intimidate many casual players and therefore they will quit. Since the largest part of the players are casual, it will reduce the player base drasticaly.
2.) Bounty:
Aside from the Bucket trouble, bounty got less enjoable since the release of high geared bountys. To kill of plat+5 bio bounty is just painful and no fun at all. It is hard to kill mech and energy too, but you at least have some proper damage dealers with an element advantage against them. Anyway, an opponent without a weakness towards the featured heroes will pile up.
This prevents us from doing what I and I guess most of you love(d) about bounty. Hitting a target as hard as possible to smash it to ashes. That the high geared bountys may need a second attamped is no trouble, since we can still see the high numbers. But to be forced to use the featured heroes to attack bountys, they have no element advantage against ,decreases the numbers and whilst that, decreasing the “bounty feeling” too.
Conclusion: The way bounty needs to be played now, is not the way that made it great. Dynamic spawning, adjusted to the featured fractions would help alot.
3.) Challenging gameplay:
This topic is discussed in this thread already so I will make it short.
The game lacks challenges. Why should I level up my heroes or add some gear, if I beat any raid and mission with the heroes I already have? If I would have to guess the power level with which you can beat 90% of the missions/raids, I would say it is about 400k of power. This is while more and more players exceed the 1 million mark.
Conclusion: Give us some challenging raids. If I can not beat a raid, I have a reason to improve my team. Right now there is no reason for that.
4.) Maxing out heroes:
I will not go to much into detail with this topic too, since @Poobgloob already made a detailed thread about it. Just to give you a feeling of the trouble I did some different math than him. To get Hero from Plat+4 to Plat+5 you need about one month worth of stamina, while the reward you have from it is in no comparison to the effort.
Conclusion: The increase of needed fragments to equip your heroes past platinum needs to be rebalanced.
5.) Events and special chests
The events we have are decreasing. We had some event everyday a few month ago. Now we have two or three days without. It seems that they are reduced to fragment collections, gauntlet wins. There are propably some more, but I can not remember them right now. The rewards have changed too. We got gold once or twice a month before. I have not seen this event for a long time.
Same goes with the special chests. I have not seen a super hero crate for about nine month or so. The last crate that had some added value towards the normal hero crates was the brogan crate in October. The special crates afterwards did not have a higher value as the hero crate, if you put the price and the rewards in perspective.
Conclusion: I do not want to demand to give out free or cheap stuff all the time, but a little goodie every now and then will not ruin the company, since it was possible before.
6. Communication:
While I admire @Muninn meme game and like the overall tone the devs show in the offical channels, I can not get over how few informations they provide. We do not need to know everything and we do not need to get every information as soon as we demand it. But there are troubles that were adressed many times before, like the bio bounty pile up or the lack of bucks. Still we did not get any information whether they work on it or if it is intended for some reason. There is no need to give us dates or how it is planed to be solved, just a little “we have that as top priority” or “we do not see a need to change it” would help.
Btw, lack of yommunication was one of the biggest points of criticizm before and is unanswered too.
Conclusion: Open up a bit more. Most people can stand through some trouble, if they know that it will change for the better.
These are the topics bothering me right now. Feel free to add your concerns or discuss mine.