‘The’ Hero Hunters Guide. (Full Guide)

Hello there!

This is the full guide for Hero Hunters

In here you will find anything you need to know for your journey for becoming one of the greatest hunters we have! It also grants a general depiction of how the journey will look like timewise! :mantelpiece_clock:

Summary: :bookmark:


Basics, Status effects and Crowd Control (CC)


Currency, Offers and Gear




The Journey:

1 - 20 First hours / day(s)

20 - 40 First days

40 - 60 First weeks / month

60 - 80 First months

80 - 90 Half a year / year

90 - 95 Year +

95 - 100 End game


For starters, or those who may have missed this. There are several official classes for this game, which I will list below into ‘Main classes’. There are also a non-official bunch of classes, which I will name ‘Sub classes’


DPS - Heroes that consistently put out large amounts of damage.

(Sub) Burst DPS - Heroes that deal large amounts of damage in quick succesions, but less consistently.

Healer - Heroes that replenish HP (Health points) as their main utility.

(Sub) Indirect healer - Healers that grant effects which require specific actions to heal.

Shielder - Heroes that grant shields to allies as their main utility.

(Sub) Indirect shielder - Shielders that shield through certain indirect actions.

Support - Heroes that buff/strengthen allies through supportive or offensive buffs.

(Sub) Debilitator - heroes that decrease the enemy their effectiveness and harasses them with debuffs or crowd control. Lowering their potential usage.

Tanks - heroes that can soak up large amounts of damage through the help of sheer large health pools or defensive capabilities.
(Sub) Stun-tank - A tank that focuses on stunning opponents with a small mix of other crowd control or self preservance.

Basics, Status Effects and Crowd Control (CC)

There are several stats and abbrevations that we commonly use around here. To learn these can make communicating and reading through the guide a lot more comprehensible for you. Most of these are found in stats.


HP - Health points.

Armor - Reduces base damage of opponent against you, the larger the number the more resistance.

Damage - This determines how much health is reduced from the target’s health pool

Critical hit - A shot that deals increased damage (Usually 190-200% extra) and bypasses armor. This is randomly based on percentage chance.

Crit chance - Increases the chance of hitting critical hits.

Offensive and Defensive Modifiers - These determine how many times the base stat is multiplied. The higher the modifier multiplies the more of that stat is built up. This steers certain heroes into their respective directions. Which is from tanky (High HP) to squishy (Low HP)

Status effects and crowd control

We have positive and negative status effects. These are all unique to each hero, and display their own icon for each separate one. Blue is a positive effect, red is a negative effect respectively.

Besides said status effects there are some mechanics we prefer to call Crowd Control (CC)
This summary below shows all the CC effects.


Taunt - Forces all AI controlled heroes to shoot the hero with the ‘Taunt’ Effect. This includes the usage of abilities.

Stun - renders the hero inflicted with a stun useless. They can charge skills still, but cannot perform any actions.

Silence - renders the target unable to use or charge skills. This does not prevent any other actions.

Root - Leave the target stuck to their current position. They cannot move, although. if the target is controlled by a player they can flinch sideways into that direction.

Disorient - Makes the weapon spread of the afflicted target very wide. causing most of their bullets miss their targets.

Mark - Makes all allied AI heroes focus the marked target.

Stagger - Causes the target to flinch for a second. This is mostly done by abilities that have impact, but can also be triggered by destroying cover. Double staggers can be done when an action both destroys cover and staggers the enemy.

Slow - Slows the movement of the character when switching cover

Lift - Lifts the enemy up above the ground. Acts the same as a stun, but it exposes them. Like the stun, skills can still be charged but no actions can be performed.

Heal block - Prevents the target afflicted with ‘Heal block’ from healing. Usually by 90%


In combat you will find yourself fighting enemies. This you do using weapons, movement and by performing actions. In here I will explain the advanced side of combat. Basic combat being explained in the tutorial. This will explain the most important information on combat outside of what the tutorial teaches you. Along with some tricks to exploit weaknesses and cover your own.

This below explains the general idea of a good team.


You will want to take a good variety of different roles in your team. What is recommended is using:

2 DPS of varying elements - This will make sure you have enough damage to eliminate major threats, if you find yourself in an elemental disadvantage you will deal far less damage, this makes it so you still have the right element.
If someone is dead they are of no use.

1 Healer - Like said, being dead is of no use. The healer will replenish the health of your team.

1 support or debilitator - Both support and the offensive support are good options. With the support you can ensure your DPS or healer can take the most out of their kit by enhancing it. A debilitator can ensure an enemy cannot utilize the maximum potential of their kit. this is useful in the case of bosses or strong opponents.

1 Shielder - Preventing damage is better than healing, they also keep the allies with a lower max HP safe from sudden bursts of damage.

From these listed above i also recommend to have a tank. Any of these roles ‘can’ be a tank. There is such a large variety that you are ensured you will find someone who can occasionally divert damage as well.

To start this off. The most important thing is to be aware of your surroundings. That includes both you and your enemy. You will need to know what the enemy can do. But also what is at your disposal

To be aware of your surroundings you should memorize the stats your heroes have. Such as what they can take, deal and inflict. But, besides that you should also be aware of when and where. Enemies can move, be distanced, be shielded or be near death. There is too much depth to this to fully explain, that is why this is best done by yourself as you experiment with the gameplay and your own team.

Despite that I can give you my own tips I found useful in combat.


1. Awareness. Occasionally, while reloading or charging, look around. You may just see your next target has switched positions, or you may see an enemy be inflicted by a status like a root. Or you may even see in which direction YOU can dodge in case something comes. Information is key in a fight, so that you can exploit enemies their weaknesses and cover your own.

2. Use an enemy their cover to YOUR advantage. If it is low, or can be destroyed in time, it may cause a lucky stagger that can save a life or prevent something catastrophic. You can even purposely keep their cover low or full.

3. Micromanaging. Micromanaging is simply managing the small things in your time. Such as making sure abilities are ready, or use them in case of emergency. You can freely switch between heroes and you should use that to your advantage.
An example of this would be activating a skill that deals extra damage on an already stunned target, pick a hero who can stun to ensure you maximize the output of the skills.

4. Use your cover. It is a simple thing, it is teached in the tutorial, but is often disregarded later on. And especially with smaller heroes this can make a huge difference. If your character is hidden behind cover you may just have it soak up and otherwise deadly ability or burst of damage. By this you should also be aware of the health your cover has, since having it destroyed can also punish you by being exposed for a good second. This can be prevented by frequently using your ‘Awareness’

5. Reload trick. This is a simple trick that can be very useful at times of pauses in combat. To perform the trick you need to reload, but cancel it out by only pressing an ability or switching cover (Doesn’t have to be used or performed, any different animation cancels it)
Then, when you empty that magazine you will only have to complete the remaining reload time, which means you could in theory prepare two mags to fire consecutively after each other. Do this to prepare for a boss in the next wave for example.

6. Synergy. The most obvious, but neglected one. A synergy occurs when two characters are complimented being paired together. An example of this would be someone who heals when under 50% max HP, and then to be paired by an ally who increased healing under 50%. This is what distincts a regular team from a well-crafted team. Experiment freely, since this can provide major advantages.

7. Holding abilities. This can either be of use strategically or as a psychological advantage. Holding an ability means you can time it better, you could prepare a charging ability for when an enemy is moving, to have it ready as they arrive. But, you can also trick your opponent into thinking you are using it, since an icon appears (pvp only) Which can cause them to make mistakes or become too fixated on you and neglect the rest of the battle.

8. Bracing. When you know an enemy is about to disorient you, you can use abilities to continue being of use while the effect wears off, but you can also reload. I call this bracing, and it comes in many forms. To explain the broad topic, you anticipate your opponents move and either prepare a counterattack or brace. This way you can mitigate the strength your enemy may have.
This can vary from staggering or stunning an enemy before they use their ability, or it can mean utilizing the time under crowd control to prepare or save the hero.
This also ties to micromanaging. If a hero is disoriented you could switch to a hero who cleanses it, or continue dealing damage with your second DPS.

Currency, offers and gear

In this game we have lots of currency. These are named below


Gold - Used for most big purchases, such as crates, fragments and resets on missions.
Bucks - Used for smaller purchases. Such as XP, small amounts of gear and things like silver crates , skill upgrades and evolving heroes.
Tokens - Used to open chests for free, most of the crates have tokens you can earn.
Stamina - Used to start missions and quick win. Neccesary to progress campaign and upgrade heroes.
Skill points - Used to be allowed to upgrade a skill of a hero.
Bounty Stamina - Used to revive a hero for bounty.
Gauntlet tokens - Used to unlock another district in Gauntlet.
Gems - used in most stores to buy their respective items

Offers are not scarce here. And with that some are better and some are not.
I will not go into detail about every offer. But i can name those with the greatest of values.
I will count 1 European cent as equal to one gold, this to determine how good an offer is.


Piggy Bank (full) - As you complete missions you fill the piggy bank for up to 300 gold. It costs 1 Euro, which makes the value of the gold 3X
Gold drop - grants more total gold for a smaller price. Though, the drawback is that it is received over time.
Feature bundle - Contains 10 feature crates worth 2700 gold. Plus 1K gold and some small goodies. It costs 10 Euro’s. The total gold value of this bundle is 3700. Making this bundle worth 3.7X

I will list this below in a summary, with all the different gears with their maximum/minimum rarities.


Throwing knives - Green/Ruby
Swords - Green/Ruby
Chestplate - Green/Ruby
Boots - Green/Ruby
Pistol - Green/Ruby
Rifle - Green/Ruby
Gloves - Green/Ruby
Fuel Cells - Green/Ruby
Knee Guards - Green/Ruby
Gas masks - Green/Ruby
Throwing stars - Green/Ruby
Helmet - Green/Ruby
Goggles - Green/Ruby
Canisters - Green/Ruby (plus Astral and Void element)
Grenades - Green/Ruby
Salvage - Ruby
Cybernetic hand - Green/Ruby
Grenade belt - Green/Ruby
Heavy helmet - Green/Ruby
Sniper rifle - Green/Ruby
Heavy batteries - Ruby
Shotgun - Green/Ruby

Mk I - Platinum
Mk II - Platinum
Mk III - Platinum
Mk IV - Platinum
Mk V - Platinum
Mk VI - Platinum
Ruby Core I - Ruby
Ruby Core II - Ruby
Ruby Core III - Ruby
Ruby Core IV - Ruby
Ruby Core V - Ruby
Ruby Core VI - Ruby
Ruby Core VII - Ruby (used for 6 bar heroes)




Normal - Follows the storyline with the normal amount of enemies. All dialogue is shown until a mission is completed.
Hard - Contains more elemental enemies with increased stats, still follows storyline just like ‘Normal’. Meaning every boss from ‘Normal’ is still there with their introduction.
Extreme - New and odd loadouts, enemies are extremely deadly. requires proper prepping and near maxed out heroes to pass. doesn’t follow storyline and instead focusses on difficulty.



Free Play - regular pvp. Everything and everyone is allowed.
Elemental Brawl - No elemental advantages involved. Usually contains buffs for each respective element regardless. Can be found in teams of 3 or the regular teams.
Brawl: Faction fight - No elemental advantages. teams of 3 or 5, but only teams within the monthly faction + 1 other allowed.
Co-op PvP - Two players join together against two other players. Each person is allowed two heroes.
Tournaments - These come both for Co-op and regular pvp. These have a bonus system based on the monthly faction and requires usually 2+ heroes.

Realism - Every hero in the team oneshots and is to be oneshotted. They are like draw-duels. Rewards are your usual gold and portraits plus goodies. This event hasn’t seen the light in months.

Each of these pvp events grant progress towards the PvP crate. Which contains small goodies like gold or fragments. The events themselves contain fragments, stamina, gold and portraits as well.

Duels - A set up match by the player. The player can choose to draft as well. In here the map and playing level can be set.



Coop raids


Gorgon wakes (easy difficulty) - Take on two big mechs using 3 heroes maximum each.
Dojo (Medium difficulty) - Take on two waves included with 3 energy heroes. First wave has Fortress, Hivemind and Ronin. Second wave has Castellan, Prophet and Halo
City hall - defend 2 waves followed with triplets and smaller enemies. The first wave contains Savage and two buffed Elite Rifleman’s. The second wave contains a Francoise, Odachi and Beck
Helios Descends (harder) - Wave 1 contains Yanlong, Cinder and Kaishi along with some fodder (smaller enemies). Wave 2 contains a megaboss Helios together with an Anvil, Caine and (Bio)

Solo Raids


Energy - Take on 3 waves. Wave 1 has Phalanx as a boss. Wave 2 contains Surge as a boss. Wave 3 contains Oro as a boss.
Mech - Take on 3 waves. Wave 1 contains Clyde as a boss, wave 2 contains Bolt as a boss, wave 3 contains Razorback as a boss.
Biochem - Take on 3 waves. Wave 1 contains a Salvatore as a boss. Wave 2 contains a Moss as a boss. Wave 3 contains a Phoenix as a boss.
Void/Astral - Take on 3 waves. Wave 1 contains Phalanx as a boss. Wave 2 contains Surge as a boss. Wave 3 contains Oro as a boss.
Faction bonus solo raid - Varies every time. Usually contains bonus hero fragments, plus additional for reaching 3 stars and at the end a portait and an extra reward. This takes place in a 1-3 wave mission at a plane crash site. (Depends on difficulty). In here you will face various enemies with 2 bosses each wave at maximum difficulty.
Extreme raid - A raid that follows a series of incredibly tough missions. Each mission becomes harder and grants better rewards. These rewards vary from high-grade core fragments. Hero fragments and Hero XP.
Along this a set of heroes will receive bonus stats. Such as damage and health increases

Razordome - An event that features a fight in the Razordome. In here you will face increasingly tougher teams that can come and respawn in large quantities. This rewards the player with coins for the crate.


These fall under coop raids


Skin tokens - higher difficulties grant more tokens, these are used to open crates containing small goodies and chances to get skins. These skins are usually that of the new hero and sometimes a mythic or legendary.

Fragments - usually these come in three variants and also play twice every month. One gives 4-5 fragments, one gives 7-8 fragments and one gives 12 fragments. These fragments are usually to obtain the new hero. Despite the amounts it is always capped at 15 fragments every day.

Fuel cells - These go by different names. But will usually grant items like fuel cells or other gear. They often come in 2 wins or 1 win.

These fall under the ‘events’ tab.


Fragment blitz - earn points for applying fragments to monthly features heroes. Often grants bucks and alliance gems.

Bounty - You and your alliance will compete with others to take down bounties. These are targets with an absurd health pool. Killing one grants milestone points. These milestone points contribute to your milestones. These grant rewards of all kinds, from gold to frags to full items like salvages.

Alliance victory blitz - completing any mission such as raids or campaign grants points. This usually rewards bucks and gems

Garuanteed blitz event - throughout the week you gain several free tokens to open the ‘feature’ crate. Opening a feature crate grants a point towards the multiple tiers. Usually the tiers grant rewards such as fragments for said hero, said hero itself and small goodies. Buying these crates using gold increases the rewards from the event.

Solo and co-op PvP blitz - when playing the ‘Tournament’ using bonus heroes you gain progress in this event. Further tears usually grant stamina, bucks tickets and at the last tier a big reward. The big reward is usually a gilded token and a full core. (Gear)

Scavenger Hunt - This event gathers all the players to find 100 hidden items scattered across both ‘Normal’ and ‘Hard’ Campaign. Sometimes other game modes are included, which would be announced before the hunt. The rewards for this event is usually a festive skin fitting to the event plus minor goodies, such as gilded and hero tokens.

Danger Simulator - An event that gathers either 10 festive oriented teams, or 10 community-submitted teams into a clash of 50 waves. Every 5 waves a boss wave comes featuring the according team. The rounds in between are usually fodder to attempt to weaken you, or be used to gather buffs and abilities. This event usually rewards you with small goodies, tokens and a festive skin.
Note - This event can be played infinitely, it does NOT earn further rewards. But, you can compete with the pro’s to beat their records and show what you got!

Bounty blitz - When the new hero is used in bounty you accrue points. It has 4 tiers which grant portraits from several grades. Plus a core at the final tier.

Gilded festival - In this event there will be milestones/tiers that are achieved by spending a gilded token. The rewards are things like more Gilded tokens, very rare skins, special tokens like Forged Fantasy and Gilded Hero tokens. Though, this event hasn’t seen the light in almost years.



War - An alliance based event where you compete against other alliances. Here is a full guide on this: Hero Hunters War Guide
To summarize this gamemode. You take and defend sectors to earn points. The alliance with the most points wins big rewards. This can arrange from important gear to fragments of 7 star heroes. War exists of multiple wars into a season. After 3 wars the season ends and you will gain extra rewards depending on your position.

Patrol crate - Together with your alliance you will start patrols and earn points upon succeeding. Depending on the power-power requirement your chances of winning increases. At the end of the event you can open the crate. The rewards vary depending on the rarity, usually rewarding important gear, alliance gems and universal fragments.

Gauntlet - Take on 3 missions that include full bot-operated teams. Every mission has a different setup. Upon completing 3 missions you pass the district and claim your crate. This contains some gauntlet gems and lots of bucks. This has 7 districts that dramatically raise difficulty every time.



Feature - contains the regular drops from ‘Hero crate’ as well as having a chance for the specific hero of that crate.
Step-up - a crate featuring the standard heroes from the ‘Hero crate’ as well as an equally high chance for the new hero as the ‘Feature crate’ does. Though, the price rises after a few purchases and it will feature different odds to garuanteed depending on the tier.
Hero crate - the basic crate containing 3-5 star heroes.
Specialty - a crate that revolves with specific rewards every once in a while. It always contains fragments for the specified heroes or the specified heroes themselves.
Starter - a low priced hero crate featuring a chance to get MK2, a 7 star hero.
Gorgon wakes crate - contains small goodies like gold, stamina and tickets, plus a chance of dropping fragments for some lower-starred heroes.
Silver - has the chance of dropping several fragments for low-star heroes plus various gear of silver rarity and below.
Gold - a crate that has chances of dropping fragments for low-star heroes and various gears from all but ruby grades.
Custom - a personally customized crate featuring the chances of getting said custom rewards. The custom rewards vary from heroes to items to currency.
Skin crate - contains skins from common, rare or legendary rarity.
Gilded crate - a crate containing a mix of gilded heroes (4 stars) and normal heroes.
Most wanted crate - Always available. Will be updated with the monthly hero, full cores, various tokens and other heroes.
Monthly skin crate - Contains the monthly hero’s skin together with smaller goodies like stamina or bucks.
Forged Fantasy crate - Contains only Forged Fantasy crossover heroes.
Gilded heroes crate - contains only heroes available from the gilded. Which happen to be all the 4 star heroes.
Vault crate - contains only rare rarity skins and Beck’s legendary ‘Peck’ skin.



Black Market - Contains VIP required rewards that cost gold and bucks, which are Quick Win ticket and hero frags. Also contains other goodies such as XP, frags and gear (24 hour reset plus adaptive resets depending on vip level that costs gold)
PvP store - Contains sets of either 3-15 frags of a bunch of random heroes. (24 hour cycle plus adaptive resets depending on VIP level)
Gauntlet store - Contains 5 frags for 3 random heroes and semi-valuable gear. (24 hour cycle plus adaptive resets depending on VIP level)
Alliance store - Contains 15 frags of 2 random heroes, 5 frags for one random hero and small goodies like Skin tokens and valuable gear. (24 hour cycle)
Heronium store - Contains 60 frags of 3 random heroes. 60 frags of each element. Valuable gear and skin tokens. (24 hour cycle)
Festive store - Contains various festive skins according to the event. Also included small bits of other goodies such as stamina, tickets, frag etc. (Has a festive cycle)

The Journey

The Journey will be the path everyone follows. In here I will explain what happens as you progress further, along with a general timeframe in which this happens. Here you will find clearance along your journey. I recommend you read through the whole Journey at once.

Your first hours / level 1-20:

You will start off with several standard heroes followed by the campaign. These heroes should be worked on until you reach around level 20. These are in the following order: Ryker-Nightingale-Butter-Cross-Kunochi/Dogface

You might want to keep upgrading butter and nightingale. These will be decent support to get you throughout the further districts. But, if you manage to pull gold from the campaign I strongly suggest opening a ‘Feature Crate’ since these contain the biggest variety of heroes.

Ryker is decent damage for early game. Though his damage eventually won’t be enough. So it’s recommended to replace him for a different DPS or take a second one like cross for example.
As explained before having 2 DPS of varying elements helps in reaching the damage threshold you need for bosses or important enemies.

Kunochi will also be unlocked early game. She has a low health pool, but can deal a lot of stacking damage, making her extremely viable against bosses. Upgrading her can be a good choice depending on your team. I recommend building plenty of support around her if you wish to orient around her.

At this level you will learn the basics of the game as well as unlocking more events and heroes.
Already you will find yourself having opened the alliance feature, which is mandatory for the rest of the game. Without an alliance you will miss out on a lot of valuable events.
The fastest way to search a fitting alliance is to put yourself for hire in the (Hero Hunters Community) or searching around in the game chats. Otherwise you can also browse alliances and request to join them.

The best way to progress further into the game is to reach as far as you can in the campaign , as stamina cost is low you should easily be able to complete a lot of districts, this will help you get certain items faster as well as unlocking achievements.

Your First days / level 20-40

Hard mode is also a very easy way of earning gold, since it earns 20 gold total for each 3 star. With this you can buy the crates which I recommended.
While the crates are but a gamble, they are ensured to give at least a 3 star. Which will definitely have use for you!
Also, there are raids now. Raids at this point don’t give much good rewards depending on the type. But, you can trade wins by sending yours to another and them sending theirs. This doubles rewards!

You should now try to often check in on your achievements, events, spend stamina and do your gauntlet every day. Gauntlet is important as it is one of your biggest incomes for money! For now i frankly cannot say you can complete it. If you want to prepare for that I will put a recommendation below. Gauntlet after district 5 is quick winnable. Which saves a lot of time every day!


Use the lowest heroes you have that ‘almost’ fill up the power requirement. Then, take just one healer with you. Taking on the first 3 districts is easy. But it will cost you all the heroes you had to use to get there.
That is why you want to spare your sturdiest top heroes together with 1 or more healer if remaining. Beating 1 mission is possible but if you lose heroes you may not pass the upcoming ones.

Another strategy is to use only two heroes for the first districts if possible. This way you spare the best for the last. I highly recommend you always use a good healer with each good setup, and if possible, use weaker teams to weaken other districts.

Now that you’ve done some missions and gotten some new heroes you should check your achievements, these give nice goodies that can come in handy like: gold, stamina, quick win tickets and xp. All which help you in maxing out your team!
From here I will recommend chatting some more around the discord (link) or the game. People can help you determine whether a hero is worth upgrading for your team. Again, i recommend having 2DPS, 1 Healer, 1 Shielder and 1 Support.

Also be sure to keep up with your daily quests as these are a solid way to earn XP.
From this point i still recommend spending your gold on new heroes. You’ll want to expand your roster so that you can complete gauntlet soon!

Be sure to connect with your commander, and seek an active alliance that suits your needs and can achieve what they need with your time-scheme.

Your first weeks / level 40-60

You should know just about how the game works. You will likely find yourself in need of help on the topic of good teams, ones that synergize or act to complete a specific mission or task.
Again I will point to the discord, forums and VIP for this!
Here you can post your current heroes as well, making exchanging ideas very easy!

Forums: here people can create posts. Arranging from Hero Concepts to even Alliance Recruitments, here the news can also be found. Like update notes, event calendars and more. It is a great place to create discussions and search for the info you need!

At this level you might start getting troubles at leveling, progressing campaign and increasing your heroes power
As mentioned before. Do your dailies. Spend stamina and keep getting as much out of every day as possible.

The next thing you want to do is get a 10 star hero. The easiest way to do this is to seek for a hero that drops fragments daily. I can’t speak of what heroes are good for, as I might speak of the past. So the best way is to ask our community! Getting a 10 star is your NO.1 goal for now!
I could name the places where these solid frags are available. But perhaps another hero is better than the other to upgrade first. So that is why i point you to our community!

If you are feeling like you can do more in the meanwhile than just prepare 10 stars, you can prepare for golden heroes! Gold, platinum and ruby abilities are passive boosts that can drastically change the way your character plays!

Your first months / level 60-80

Leveling up gets pretty hard now. It’s just as important to stay active and keep up with alliances. Playing together to achieve your goals is mandatory. Especially to help you reach for your first 10 star! It is still your priority. Until then all you can do is start preparing for Platinum heroes!

Platinum heroes can greatly impact how they play. Be sure to ask advice from players to help you get the best teams possible! From this point you can theoretically start extreme. Yet, that is incredibly hard and resource-consuming. Ask for a player to help see if you can participate, otherwise, do not stress this. Since this is only important as you reach end game.

When you are nearing level 80 you should be near or have a 10 star. Now you should concentrate on farming Heronium you get from the 10 stars. Every fragment is converted into heronium! With this you can buy frags on a daily basis, the more 10 stars the more heronium you farm. Gold is still best used for heroes. Though it can aid in getting stamina, skill points or money which can become an issue by now.

Your first few months / Level 80-90

At this level you might have found yourself some more freedom, so on getting in touch with the real pvp. Getting real crazy combos and experimenting is all a possibility now and it’s what you should be doing! This is the ‘gilded’ age in this game!
Now, besides freedom, if you want to prepare for what’s to come more. You can also prepare your favorite and best recommended heroes to platinum 5! This way you can immediatelt enter the new age that will soon be due!

Co-op mission will give much better rewards now. Be sure to trade and not to ‘quick match’ !

Your main goal is still getting as many 10 stars as possible. Eventually heronium won’t be much an issue anymore. The goal should eventually be to be able to buy out at least all the frags without hitting 0 every day. This sky-rockets progress!

At this point it’s recommended to use 2 DPS to increase the chance to have the right element and enough damage to strategically take out your opponent. Especially later in the game the difference in amounts of damage is absurd. A hero can grow from weak to strong. Or can even switch purpose entirely. The difference between theur utility also grants more diversity to the way you take down your opponents.

6 months to a year / level 90-95 (Endgame)

It’s time to start grinding. From now on you will enter the end game part of the game. You should be trying to get as far as possible in extreme mode. Extreme mode is difficult so help from the community is recommended.

You should mainly be focusing on getting XP. Getting to level 95 will enable you to upgrade heroes to Ruby. Which is an absurdly drastic difference, the biggest by far. A hero can turn from low damage to top tier, or a support can immediately stand at the ready with skills! But, it’s a really long grind, it can take months. Luckily extreme mode is a very viable way to make XP.

You should be going into the millions of power. Here is a guide for extreme mode! Ghastly’s Extreme Guide from 1-1 to 5-7
This guide quite frankly isn’t as up to date. But, a new guide that covers all the major roadblocks with tips, tricks and video’s will come soon! Be sure to check back!

To get you on the topic of rubies. Ruby abilities are a passive boost that tremendously increase the effectiveness of your hero. As of now there are 3 ruby paths, these are explained in the summary below.


“Tanked Up” Increases damage to cover tremendously and gives bonus armor. (All frontline heroes except ‘Shivs’ posseses it)

“Supported” Increases armor and gives increased chance to dodge. The reason behind this is that mostly a support is AI controlled. Which means that the chance the hero will try to evade an incoming ability is increased. (All backlines possess this, plus heroes who own the ‘Tactician’ Ruby skill)

“Doing Damage” tremendously increases base damage and gives a 30% skill charge on the bronze skill. This is probably the best path. It can make a hero from bad to insanely good! (All midlines possess this, with the exceptions of : Pris, Salvatore, Hideo, Xianjiu, Voltage)

“Tactician” Starts the match with skills partially or fully charged, depending on level. plus having extra armor and a 30% dodge chance. (Fiber, Spewage, Voltage possess this)

“Initiator” Starts the game with 50% increased attack rate plus having invincibility for x seconds. (Only Magnus posesses this)

Ruby level is a whole different story. In campaign enemies will have tremendous HP and can come with crazy numbers and insane damage, passing some levels may take weeks of preparing the right heroes. But that is the charm of it. Completing a mission feels so satisfying!
Every extreme mission is different and requires different strategies. So be sure to ask the community!

Pvp on the other hand is a lot different. From my experience it’s more about damage than good combo’s. Mostly your enemy will have a hero with “doing damage”
These heroes are extremely deadly. So with that said it’s more of a race who kills the other DPS first. Which also explains why some people use multiple DPS to increase their chance of having the right element at the right time. Support isn’t a big issue as the only support that matters is what helps at the first few seconds. Which is how long most matches might last. Also here the community can help you get good teams and give useful tips on the current meta.
The recommendation for teams still stands.

If you want to maximize your skills and learn other tricks, be sure to check out the forums for some tips. There are a lot of posts that can share some neat tricks!

This is the end of this guide. Which either means you have majorly educated yourself or have finally reached end-game! Congrats on both! I wish you the best of fun, luck and hunting to continue your journey! Be safe out there! :blush:


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